Welcome Serenity


Welcome to Ben’s Friends, Serenity!

First off, let me be the first compliment your name, it’s so unique.

Secondly, I’m sorry to hear about your son’s experiences. Have you thought about having him join Ben’s Friends? He would benefit from being part of this community.

If you would like to be here on his behalf, please don’t hesitate to get involved, ask questions and make comments.

Once again, welcome to Ben’s Friends, Serenity.

Thank you so much! He doesn’t do very well with reading and writing, but I am an information junky when it comes to his health so I can be his advocate. He had a TBI as an infant, so I’ve got 18+ years of experience in learning all about it :slight_smile: We’ve had a rough road getting to a chiari diagnoses, but we’re finally on the right track, so I’m learning everything I can about it. Thanks for having me here!

Ahh I see. Guess we’ll be hearing from you then!

We’re glad to have you here.