Wasser Clinic at Mount Sinai?

Anyone in the GTA or Ontario have experience with the Wasser Pain Management Clinic @ Mount Sinai Hospital?

Looking for relief from the syrinx pain, Dr is going to send me there. Going to be a few months wait, don't want to wait all that time to be disappointed. Website seems promising, but a positive word from a member here would go a long way.

Although I don’t have experience with Mount Sinai, I do have experience with Toronto Western Pain Clinic under the direction of Dr. Bhatia. I developed CRPS after a fall and the pain was unrelenting along with the Chiari pain, Fibromyalgia etc. I received 5 nerve block treatments and because that was unsuccessful in my case, I underwent 2 series of ketamine infusion treatments (10 days in total). It was very helpful. Fortunately, my Syrinx collapsed after surgery, so that was not an issue.

The pain clinic will also give you advice how to cope and it is not all about drugs. I worry about long term use o medication because of side effects. Guess sometimes we are caught between a rock no ahard place! Wishing you relief from all your pain.