Waiting for a date!

Just wanted to let you know that our decision has finally been made to go along with the surgery for our 16 yr old daughter. I called the surgeon today and they are calling back with a date. I felt light headed on the phone, saying the words.....its one thing to say it, but another to do it. I just hope I am making the right choice, her latest thought on it as she told her guidance counselor, "I just want to get it over with so I can start to feel better." I think that about made my decision final. I will stay in touch with a date when we know more.

As a mom who has been there myself, I know it took abundant courage (and in my case many margaritas) to make that decision. Have faith in your NS and move on. It’s all in the hand of a higher power and I believe with all my heart you are making the right decision. Any and all questions are welcomed here :slight_smile: