Unexplained Rashes

I was wondering if unexplained rashes around the edges of your face, down around and behind your ears and down the sides of your neck and collar had anything to do with this incredibly strange diagnosis ( Chiari Malformation )? This has been happening every day now, for many months. The rashes come and go but are quite obvious when they are here. I only take medication at night to help with sleep, so I don't think it is related to the Rx's. There does seem to be some correlation though with the level of pain that I have and the rashes. Like so many others, I think I have practically every symptom on the lists I've seen. At this point, I'm not able to work because of all the health issues and quite honestly, I'm so over all of this. I hope all is well with my new friends here at the Chiari Support Group and look forward to any responses you might have.

I met a Chiarian today (well, we spoke on the phone!) who asked the same thing, if Chiari caused rashes. I honestly don't know. I've battled exzema but not sure if it's chiari related or just sensitive skin. Good luck, gabra99. and I too thought about Lupus. Perhaps you could get checked for that?


Here is a link about Lupus and skin rashes http://www.lupus.org/webmodules/webarticlesnet/templates/new_learnaffects.aspx?articleid=2324. I also have lupus, but I do not have the skin rash. You may want to check with a rheumatologist to get tested for Lupus.