Topamax? Verapamil?

Has anyone had any luck with these actually helping? What is your experience with them?

Topamax helped with my non- chiari related migraines, but did nothing for the '5 minute headache"

What is a five minute headache? When you get teal bad pain for a few minutes or something?

Sslakemom2 said:

Topamax helped with my non- chiari related migraines, but did nothing for the '5 minute headache"

Topomax did nothing for my symptoms but make me even more nauseated.

tashasheart4u said:

What is a five minute headache? When you get teal bad pain for a few minutes or something?

Sslakemom2 said:
Topamax helped with my non- chiari related migraines, but did nothing for the '5 minute headache"

It’s that pain that starts at the base of your skull, then completely encases your entire head so that you have to immediately stop what your doing while feeling like it’s going to explode. While this is happening and immediately afterwards I can’t even think, almost like where am I and what was I just doing? Luckily for me they only happen if I bend over, lift something heavy, sneeze or cough, and if I get really upset.

Ahhhh....thanks for clarifying. Yes, bending over is just awful for me. I get so dizzy and disoriented I can't even understand how I don't pass out or fall right over. I probably find the confusion the most frustrating thing to deal with. I'm used to being able to multitask and get things done, the past 6 months has really changed a lot of things for me.

I hope you girls have a nice pain-free day tomorrow!

Confusion and forgetfulness…my husband has only recently acknowledged that it’s getting worse…

Topamax has helped me with my non-chiari headaches. When I first started taking it though she bumped me up to 50mg and I was getting rediculous tingling/numbness and I didn't realize it was a symptom. I have numbness and tingling already that I get daily. But this was worse it was crazy so I went to see a neurologist. He had me split my topamax and take 25mg in the am and 25mg in the pm to see if that helped. I did that for awhile and that worked and now I'm back to 50mg all at once. But it has worked so far.

Tomorrow will be 14 days on Verapamil. My neuro said it takes about that long to work at all. I can’t say I’ve noticed a difference. I still have all my symptoms. She said if that didn’t work she would try me on the Topamax and see if that does. Thanks for letting me know about the numbness and tingling…that would of freaked me out had I not known.

You're welcome! I was freaking out about it. I had never had that much and frequent numbness/tingling. I also didn't read the paper thing the perscription came with that had the side effects on it. (Duh-me.) It just takes a bit to get in your system I guess. Good luck with the Verapamil. I've never heard of it. I hope it helps!

Thank you. :)

Verapamil is in the same class of drugs as Topamax.

Neither did anything for me. Hope that helps!

hi…just noticed your discussion…I have been on topamax for 7 years. my neurologist put me on it for migraines and it does help (me). It doesn’t really touch my chiari headaches. it does have it’s share of potential side effects - but many have good luck with it.

I actually had a drug interaction with Topamax and Niacin: Seizure. There are a lot of medications that interact, so I would stay away from it. It rarely helped my migraines.
Hope that helps?

Verapamil is NOT in the same class of drugs. Topamax is an anticonvulsive. Verapamil is a Chanel Blocker which is a blood pressure medication. Completly different. Topamax has some harsh side effects for many, as Verapamil is pretty easily tolerated. Biggest complaint is symptoms from lowering your bp if your bp is already somewhat low/normal it can lower it depending on each person and dose.

tashasheart4u said:

Thank you. :)

Verapamil is in the same class of drugs as Topamax.

I'm on Topamax the Dr. said that it suppose to control the headaches and try to keep them to a medium but if they come the medicine wasn't going to stop it. I started out at 25 twice a day now I'm at 50 2x times daily but I still have Chiari headaches. I can't go the salon and get my hair shampooed because my head hurts some bad laying back the the shampoo bowl and i don't like bending over in the sink to shampoo so I have to do my best in the shower. I'm not used to that.Never tried the other but maybe I should but if the side affect is weight gain I'm not taking it.

I do not know what Verapamil is however topmax work very will for me I use it for the bad headache it seems to work better the motrin and olny use it once a day 50mg, when I have those bad days

i think the topamax is helping with the crazy, crazy headaches, i guess it takes the edge off does nothing for my other pain in my neck and shoulders and back, but at least my head does not hurt 24/7 anymore. Also makes my lip numb and quiver a little but i can live with that.

Topamax made me have really bad mood swings and the longer I took it the worse I felt! I ended up with horrible muscle pain in my back so looked at the side effect that was one of them and I had most of the others too! so I stopped taking it and felt better with in 2 days! I just think my body didn't tolerate it well! For me it was horrible!!

I got really sick taking Topamax. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.