The Holidays can be tough

This is the time of year when, unfortunately, the suicide rate is the highest. I think having a chronic disease puts us especially at risk. We experience pain, discomfort, disability, lack of understanding, and lack of empathy on a daily basis, and this can be especially lonely during the holidays.

Please know, I care about you. And I can make a safe bet most everyone else here cares about you. We care because we've been in your shoes, felt sad and lonely, been in daily pain, had loved ones turn their backs on us in our time of need, and had doctors treat us with disrespect and skepticism. I don't need to know you as a person to know you deserve more than this. So please, if you ever feel compelled to hurt yourself or take your own life, there is help out there.

The phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is: 1-800-■■■■■■■■

It WILL get better. There are good days ahead of you, and the science is progressing so rapidly, don't give up hope that they will find a cure for us.

With love,


Yes, Mandy, this is a helpful post right now.

Just wanted to add that one way of feeling support is to post here about any small thing you need to early. Also, call a friend or a family member who was supportive in the past.

Stay connected, and don't get withdrawn and isolate, things often spiral down from there.

Eat, hydrate, sleep. Take care of yourself.

Thanks for the post Mandy, it definitely is a hard time of year , and unfortunately suicides do happen all to much. I know the past week or so I have been going a bit downhill, but the thing to do is keep looking up, I know I am. This is the first year that I have had to actually cope with CM and now Syringomyelia, and It has gotten pretty difficult. With all of this happening (at least for me, being recently diagnosed with a syrinx) around the holidays it makes it hard to feel positive. With that said I would like to thank everyone here, thank you all for the help and support you have offered. I would also like to offer support in return to any and all of you here. If anyone needs to talk, or just get some support and comfort feel free to message me. I would be glad to talk, and maybe help if I can. Good luck and happy holidays to you all, fight the good fight and always remember, you must never give up, you must never surrender!

joker12090 said:

Thanks for the post Mandy, it definitely is a hard time of year , and unfortunately suicides do happen all to much. I know the past week or so I have been going a bit downhill, but the thing to do is keep looking up, I know I am. This is the first year that I have had to actually cope with CM and now Syringomyelia, and It has gotten pretty difficult. With all of this happening (at least for me, being recently diagnosed with a syrinx) around the holidays it makes it hard to feel positive. With that said I would like to thank everyone here, thank you all for the help and support you have offered. I would also like to offer support in return to any and all of you here. If anyone needs to talk, or just get some support and comfort feel free to message me. I would be glad to talk, and maybe help if I can. Good luck and happy holidays to you all, fight the good fight and always remember, you must never give up, you must never surrender!

Great post! This too is my first Christmas feeling so sick. The fatigue and dizziness really has me down. I have decided that I will no longer try to be "strong" and do it all. I am simply not going to be the perfect hostess this season and I don't care what my mother-in-law thinks. LOL! I'm under enough stress with my pending surgery (Jan. 6th), so why put myself through more - right?

I want to tell everyone that there’s hope and to never give up just keep leaning on those who understand.This year is my second year since decompression,it has been a God send.If any are feeling hopeless,just know that we are here for those who may need encouragement.Please remember not to let the stress make us sicker do take care not to be overwhelmed.I am always here if there’s anything anyone may need just let me know.We have so many wonderful people on this site,wish I had found them sooner.I thank each one that has given me advice and support and wish all a Merry Christmas and a better year ahead,may God bless you all with answers in the chiari journey.

Thank you Mandy for this great post. This is my first Christmas with Chiari and have never felt so overwhelmed. But as you pointed out, there will be better days. And if it’s not today, then I’ll look forward to what tomorrow will bring. Many blessings to all and yes, please know you are not alone in your pain. And we will beat this “invisible” disease, so stay strong.

I just want to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and whatever you celebrate this season, if you celebrate. We all know how it is in here and we all have been through rough patches but know that we are all here for each other. No matter what your case. :-) Take joy in what you can during these stressful times and when New Year's comes, have a drink if you can and reflect for a moment by yourself on the friends you have made in here and smile because someone in here is always thinking of you.

Thanks Mandy (my other head). I am also thankful for finding this site and all the great people on it but I am most thankful that I have found a great friend who is always there if I need advice, You are a wonderful person. Hope we can visit soon!!

I will be thinking of you and the girls this Christmas. I hope is the best one yet!! You deserve it.

Shannon (your other head)

Shannon,are the one that had decompression with Rosner?If so I am glad to hear of you,he is my surgeon too.It is truly a mirical from God.Please message me.I heard about you from Karen.