Test results are in

So my daughter did her tilt table test today. She did not like the test first off all. She said her hands were getting numb and started to hurt bad in her legs. The result is she has Autonomic Dysfunction. So next she has to get the skin biopsy. Maybe this time we are in the right direction and will start getting the answer we need about what has been going on with her lately. Does anyone have this? If so do you take medcine for it? Does it help you?

I am sorry Ive never heard of that, i did a quick search on the net and there is tons of information out there just rememeber that not all information out there is reliable, I hope you can find the answers you are looking for for your daughter. BTW i didnt like that tilt table test either. Best wishes to you and yours Lisa

Ps. heres a site to look into http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/dysautonomia/dysautonomia.htm

It definitely helps to rule out possible causes of symptoms. Just be aware that some dx's are labels for symptoms (example : fibromyalgia). Knowing that your daughter has "Autonomic Dysfunction" would usually be a starting point to find out the cause of it... But If you know that she has CM, then your next step is see a specialist (neurologist that specializes in CM or neurosurgeon that specializes in CM). From researching right now it seems like a skin biopsy might be helpful for finding out if she has EDS or not, but it doesn't seem like that can be fully conclusive (There are other tests for this). EDS is a common condition associated with CM. A specialist will know this and also know how to test for it. I hope this helps <3 You are an awesome Mom!


You are an awesome mom....Bill is so right!!

How is your daughter today?? As far as POTS goes..Like Abby said..she has it and she takes meds for it.

Lisa W...she is our resident researcher!!!! Thanks Lisa!! I will have to check out the link she posted too.

Thanks Miss Lisa.

Keep us posted on your girl.



Thank you Lori. My daughter is doing better. She is moving her arms more,they still hurt her.Friday night was a hard night for her. She really was hurting from the test. She even asked for pain medcine which she hardly ever does. Today she seems to be doing better. Thank you for the link Lisa I will look at it. Her NL did a lot of blood work on her Friday. He did couple of different test,so we will so what comes of it. I agree with you Bill I will talk to her NL about it.