Swelling and bruising of the neck

Hello all, I have this weird consistent issue where my neck swells up on one side and then bruise over. The bruising normally occurs towards the bottom front of the neck On which ever side is inflamed. This has been very common for me in the past but it keeps happening more often. I brought it up with the NS and he doesn't think it is connected to the Chiari. I have met with multiple doctors and they don't know what is causing it. I have had an MRI of the brain and Neck( twice). As well has full x-rays. Has anyome experienced this due to chiari?

Mallisa, I would not assume this is Chiari related. It may be EDS related ie easily ruptured blood vessels, or maybe there is a parathyroid issue??? This one deserves a trip to the doctor soon. Let us know what you find out.


Thank you,

I have met with a few doctors and we were thinking that this was in connection with my 4 degenerative discs however they have came to the conclusion that they don't believe it is. The pain and inflammation goes away as well as the bruising and then reappears on the other side the next day. It rotates. Also, when it rotates it normally adds a lot of pressure in the back of my head on that side as well as my ear on the side that is inflamed.

I am getting my thyroid checked here soon due to the fact that an underactive thyroid creates a lot of the similar symptoms of Chiari. We are using this as a precausion before I decide to have surgery.

Here are pictures. The first is the dude that’s swallen… once again it happens often. Ns and spine doctors don’t know what it is.
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Do you have cervical ribs? An extra set at the top of the run cage? Do you have thoracic outlet syndrome? Have you ever had a DVT in either arm?

I don’t think so about the ribs, I’m not sure what syndrome is or dtv… so sorry.

If you had cervical ribs that would been included in any c-spine radiology report. Thiracic outlet syndrome is usually associated with the extra ribs- so would the deep vein thrombosis. Have you ever had a neck mri or X-rays?

Yes, I initially got a neck mri and that’s how they determined chiari but the ns doesn’t think it’s connected.