Swallowing issues

I’m 8 weeks post op and still worse off than before the op.
Now I have problems swallowing… I feel like I’m being strangled all the time
I can see when I look in the mirror that the muscles on the left side aren’t activating.
Should I be worried about this new symptom?

I haven’t had surgery yet but the choking and gagging on food is what is making me schedule my surgery. I haven’t been able to eat solid food in over a week. A lot of people experience choking/swallowing issues with chiari. Definitely talk to your doctor and maybe get a barium swallow test. I am on the fence of getting on because they usually cant help whats causing it even if they see it. 8 weeks post op is still pretty recent, hope things get better for you

I would talk to the dr for sure. I had mild swallowing issues before my surgery, mostly with dry foods and my pills and that has resolved fairly well now at 7 weeks, just the occasional extra water swallow for some of my giant pills.

But my throat was really sore and scratched by my breathing tube during surgery and after eating something firm in the hospital and having a lot of pain, I have developed somewhat of a phobia of regular food. Def no hard or crunchy foods, still drinking mostly the thick ensure “enlive” shakes.

I metioned it to my ns at my appt yesterday and he was all over it! For me, it’s obviously more psychological so he wants me to push myself. But if it wasnt more resolved by my next appt he said he was sending me to have my throat checked.

Also have you started/ been ordered any PT yet? Maybe when you talk to dr this could be helpful if muscles have been weak for so long.

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It can a good while after surgery for all the muscles and nerves to grow back. I had surgery two years ago and it was a good year before I was 100 percent healed. I too had swallowing problems as well but i did before surgery as well so that may be a question for your surgeon. Brain surgery is a major operation give urself time and patience to go through the healing process it does get better.

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Did you do any swallowing therapy?

Thanks for your message -
No I haven’t done any swallow therapy…
Any tips??
I can see in the mirror that the muscles on the left side of my neck don’t move… no matter how I swallow or what face I pull.

Maybe that could be something to try. People who have had strokes or MS use those services. They are often provided by a specialized speech and language therapist. Fine to be tested and find out that you have swallowing deficits but then what do you do about it! Good luck!