Surgery Scheduled

Hi all. I just wanted you all to know that my surgery is scheduled for Monday March 25th. I have a lot of pre-op stuff do take care of, so I have a busy week. Please share your experience I would love to here from you.

I’m trying to figure out if I should cut my hair before the surgery so it would look so bad when the surgery is over.

I have a lot to do in a short period of time on top of my mom moving this weekend.

I wouldn't worry about cutting your hair. My doctor just shaved a very thin strip of hair that is easily covered up!

I am going to get mine cut before my surgery because I won’t be able to for awhile after.

I had just over shoulder length hair and got it cut REALLY short. I didn’t think I would like it but I did. It was easier washing it and didn’t get in my face while I was laying down. It kind of made it one less thing to worry about. Best of luck with surgery and recovery. :slight_smile:

Hi Abby,

I found out yesterday that my surgery date is March 25th. I will post it to the events calendar. I have so much to do with little time. All the Preop stuff.

Abby said:


Please post your surgery date under the events calendar so we can check on you. You have a lot in your plate with upcoming surgery and moving. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know if you need anything.

Some folks cut their hair, some don't. Your doctor may just shave the incision site.

Good luck wishes coming your way my friend.

Ok Anglyn. Thanks. I really did not want to cut it. How soon was it before you could wash your hair?

Anglyn said:

I wouldn't worry about cutting your hair. My doctor just shaved a very thin strip of hair that is easily covered up!

Hi Beeba, I will get a trim, hopefully my hair is long enough to cover the incision. I'm with you with leaning your head back -- some day I'm fine while other days it hurts so bad. I hope the surgery will take care of this issue. I would love to meet you since you are in my area. I will also let you know if I need any help. Thanks Beeba

Beeba said:

Trim your hair so you won't have to go get it cut for a while. But I am a hair tree - and with my hair down or in a ponytail you can't even see it. Avoid leaning over the wash sink. I now go in wet and they just spray my hair. That is a bad position for us. Leaning back,pressure on the neck .... I do miss that - I love having my head rubbed - I guess I now know why I always liked it - my flipping head hurt!! Remember I live close and if ya want a visitor I would be happy to stop by or help if you need it.