Success stories wanted

Hi Jenn

YES...It's very possible. The vital imaging to have is upright MRI with flexion and extension and rotational CT scan with flexion and rotating left and right 90 degrees. Most Drs don't believe it but it's 100% true. I have stacks of imaging that all Drs told me I was fine...... these images said something soooo different. My head my rotating right off when I turned left and slipping forward so much that my brainstem was compressed on both sides! I actually felt like a bobble head and told Drs it felt like my head was falling off. That feeling is gone. I am amazed at how good I feel!!!

I wish you the best...don't give up!

jcdemar said:

What an inspirational story! Good for you! I am still on my journey and hope to be writing a happy ending story of my own. i had a decompression 5 mos ago and am wondering if I could possibly have an instability. How did you come about the diagnosis of your instability? Specifically, what radiologic/ imaging did you have that allowed your doc to see it? I believe I have EDS because I scored high on that part of the exam with my neurosurgeon, and my almost non-stop headache is still going on after 5 mos. I do have some days with little to no pain... Is that possible with an instability? Thank you!


Does anyone have a positive story after having surgery in Pittsburgh, PA? Anxious to hear who operated and in which hospital!!