Still here... In the hospital that is

So I am still in the hospital and still in pain. Today I had the worst lumbar puncture of my life, I had to get stuck in the back twice… When they finally got in the right space to measure my CSF it was elevated to a 33 and they drained it to a 10 and they are running all different types of labs. I still have a horrible headache it is pulsating in my head. They is still no word on when I will get to go home but today I have a low grade fever of 100.3 and my blood pressure was 83 over 47 but the nurse said I wasn’t symptomatic so it didn’t worry her. I am so ready to feel better and go home.


I'm so sorry you are going through this and I agree that lumbar punctures suck! Be a good advocate for what you need while you are in the hospital and stay there as long as you need to get better. I know that feeling of wanting to get out of there, but stick with it until you will really be well enough to leave.

I'm sending you lots of good thoughts!


Amy, I keep wondering how you are doing.

I also had a very difficult time in the hospital after my first decompression surgery, so I know how it scary it is when things do not work out the way you thought they would. I also know that when things were going wrong for me I had no interest in updating my posts, so I'm hoping that you are resting and that your health has improved since yesterday. :-)


Hope you feel better SOON!