
Anyone tried steroids for the headache? My GP just called in a prescription for what she called a steroid burst hoping it will break up the headache. Never taken them for a headache. I have an appointment with the neurologist Monday. Should I wait to see what he says before I start?

My GP did the same to me when I had a bad stretch - three weeks of relentless headaches and dizzies. She gave me a ten day course of Prednisone. I took a five days worth and gave up. The neuro, when I saw her a few weeks later, thought it was funny.

Didn't find it helped the headache, did help the OA in the hands. :)

A burst is a different animal than a taper (usually a ten day course) It often does work to reduce the inflammation. its pretty common therapy after surgery too. I would think you have nothing to lose except some inflammation............ A taper on the other hand deals more with a chronic issue. But anyway steroids are very commonly used with Chiari and especially when Syringomyelia is an issue.

Oral steroids can also reduce CSF production which is helpful to say the least....

I have a 5 day stretch of Prednisone. We shall see. Nothing has helped up to this point so not completely hopeful, but I'll take even one day without a headache.

I hope you find something to give you some relief, Rese. Chronic pain is NO FUN! If he runs out of ideas, perhaps considering a pain management specialist may be a good idea?

Yes. Had horrid migraine from January 2nd until May a few years ago. Relentless head pain and pressure which was causing major issues with sleep due to the pain. NL prescribed steroids which did take the pain out however it was 2 weeks of steroids titer up and back down and they kicked in around day 4/5. Have never had a lengthy migraine like that again.

So far no relief, but I've only had 2 days of it, about to take my third dose. I'm wondering if a 5 day dose is even enough. Tomorrow is my appt with my neurologist.