So many questions!

First a little background on my situation. I was a pretty active guy but a few months ago I started getting pounding headaches when I would go up stairs or run. I have had this happen before on occasion but it seemed like one day I woke up and it happened almost every time I would exert myself. I told my doctor and he sent me to get an MRI that week. They found a 5mm herniation and I got referred to a neurologist. By the time I saw the neurologist my headaches were pretty constant with varying levels of severity from some pressure all they way to my head is going to explode. I was placed on blood pressure meds, imitrex and bayer migraine as needed. The bp meds have helped but i still get headaches everyday, they just are not as bad. The down side to them is that I have a lot less energy. Did a follow up with my neurologist and he ran a couple blood tests referred me to an ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon. Since then I have seen the neurosurgeon and had a cerebral spinal fluid flow MRI done. The test came back with the radiologist stating that he saw no reduction in flow and my neurosurgeon saying they he noticed some reduction in flow. My neurosurgeon called me and asked me and my family to come in to discuss surgery. I am a little over one week from seeing him again and just wanted to ask you all some questions.

My diagnosis and time to get to the point of talking about surgery just seems so quick. Many people with CM seem to struggle to get a definitive diagnosis after months and years. It makes me wonder if I have just been lucky in having the right doctors or if maybe there is something they are missing.

Is the surgery worth it? Will my headaches be reduced enough so that I can be off my blood pressure meds?

What will recovery be like?

I feel like that if I am going to have surgery I rather do it now, rather then managing symptoms for months or years with no energy and frequent headaches only to decide to have surgery them.

Any thoughts or input is appreciated.

try This was a great resource and yes you are pretty lucky that they found it so quick I had close to 3 yrs of frustration and my hubby just last year got to understand Chairibetter from the surgoen. I had my surgery last June and i don't regret it. Hang in there.

Hey liz and Emmaline. I have spent quite a bit of time on when I was first diagnosed. It is a good website. I just couldn’t find a lot about people’s surgery and how it ha helped. That you both had the surgery and you don’t regret it helps ease some of my anxiety.
Emma you having a similar experience with the NS seeing a restriction that the radiologist didn’t gives me some confidence. I imagine that he will want to do surgery since he was talking about it before my second MRI that revealed a restriction. Also when he called me to give me results he had me schedule a day for my family and I to come up and talk to him.