So I Went To A New Doctor Yesterday

I went to see a new GP yesterday. He's a DO and I figured I had nothing to lose in trying one instead of an MD. I really wanted to see if they would be any different from an MD. Well he listened and knew about Chiari. That was a good sign. He took my sensitivities and aversions for medicine into consideration and prescribed me some physical therapy twice a week for the next 5-6 weeks. He also told me to keep a headache diary to share during my next visit.

He prescribed me Sumatriptan for my migraines and Meloxicam for my neck and back. I was wondering has anyone taken either of these medications and if so, what was your experience. Any reactions, did they work, etc. I am really hoping that I can keep him because I'm exhausted with switching doctors. I go back next month so I'll keep you posted.

One more thing, I am suffering extreme nausea everyday and sometimes regurgitate my food. It seems that not many things seem to agree with my stomach these days other than soup and vegetables. Is anyone else have this problem and if so, what are you doing to get rid of it. I feel like I'm 2 months!!


I am so happy that you have found someone to help!!! Hopefully these medications will give you some much needed relief.


Hi Christine...

Sorry you are feeling so badly. I have not taken any of those meds..thus..cannot give my experience. The nausea however, I totally can relate to..I always have an unlying degree of nausea every day..though some days are really bad....I take Tums sometimes and sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't.

Sorry Hun, I am not much help here.....thinking and praying for you.



I haven’t taken those mess but in glad you’ve found someone who is willing to work with you and try some new things. My stomach is very sensitive too. I don’t know if mine is chiari related or not though. I hope you get some relief hun. Big hugs.

Christine H. said:

I hope so:)

nicolee said:


I am so happy that you have found someone to help!!! Hopefully these medications will give you some much needed relief.
