Slowly seeing improvements

Hello, everyone. :slight_smile: I like to give smiles to the world. And you.
In case you don’t know, or don’t remember, I had the decompression this june. It came pretty fast and as a shock, because I didn’t believe a doctor would acknowledge my Chiari as severe enough. I had no csf flow in the back. When I count the symptoms that have gotten better or even disapeared, the overall gain is “clouded” by my fatigue. “Clouded” because it’s only been roughly 2 and 1/2 months since the surey.
So here’s what’s gotten better:

  1. Head sensitivity. It was so sensitive, shaking salt or pepper from the shaker hurt my head as if I was hit in the head, but from the inside. My own steps hurt me. I had to stay in the hospital 2 weeks post op with some complications, but when I got out, I really enjoyed the ride home, just because it didn’t hurt my head. :slight_smile: Ocasionally it became more sensitive, but overall, I have to say, it’s gotten much better.

  2. Pain. I don’t considder my case as one having much pain, but some symptoms I described to doctors from their point of view were preceived as pain. I have less pain. The one I considered pain, like sharp pain traveling through lower back to ribs whenever I layed down, has lessened. And sharp piercing like pain anywhere in the body- muscles, bones, random places at random times, but more often when I was more tired than usual, I’ve had for a few times, maybe. I haven’t had a headaches. I did stay in the hospital for two weeks and was on all kinds of meds, but when I got out, I didn’t use any pain meds. Only some anticnvulsant or something.

  3. Finally I’ve been having more energy. Not nececeraly more than pre-op, but I’ve started washing dishes and helping my boyfriend making dinner. I feel like I can once again do something around the house. I have also, very slowly , gotten back to studying. A week or two ago I went for a walk on my own for the first time. I made the mistake of going in a shopping mall and was owerwhelmed by all the people and felt like I was about to break down, but held myself togrther and got home safely. A friend, fellow Chiarian Kelly, told me she had a hard time being in shopping malls for a while after the surgery. So I guess with all the stress it’s normal.

I’ve probably forgotten about something. Anyway, I hadn’t been here for a while and basically waneed to say hi. Hope you’re having a good day!


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I really liked the way you explained your progress since the surgery. I’m so glad that you are having improvement. Thanks for being such a good friend!

Even though we talk privately, it’s heartwarming to see your nice comment here. :slight_smile: Thank you.

Oh my goodness Fugu, your doing great. I am so very happy to hear such good outcomes as yours. Gives us all hope that treatments are getting better. Now, the mom comes out in me to say, listen to your body and rest often. Only do what you can and let the rest go. Healing is the key now for you to feel better. As my mom always said, give your body time to cure inside out. She made a lot of sense and sometimes we push ourselves past our limits.
Please know we are here for you and are your cheering section.
We have missed you, but know you taking your time to heal is more important right now.
Sending you long distance hugs and wishing you to get stronger with each passing day.

Thank you, Abby, for such a nice comment! :slight_smile: I really try to take things slow and be very responsible with my recovery, but sometimes I forget how little time has passed since the surgery. Thanks for reminding me to listen to my body and for the support! Hugs. :slight_smile:

Hi Fugu

Wishing you the best in your continued recovery. Slow and steady so that you can look back and see improvements. Sometimes when it is slow it is hard to appreciate the small things that you can now do.

Again like our Chiari we are different in our healing process.
Sounds like your doing the things you need to do and taking care of you.
Best wishes and so thankful for you feeling better.