Sleep apnea obstructive/central

Just wondering if anyone here has obstructive sleep apnea. Some chiari patients have central sleep apnea but my daughter has central and obstructive. She is scheduled for 4 procedures on her nose, throat ,chin and eppliglatius on july 26th.
I know central is a very common chiari symptom but I wonder if obstructive can somehow also be chiari related.

I have obstructive sleep apnea. It was found during recovery from my decompression surgery.

My daughter has central but our dr was expecting obstructive. He said that the chiari can effect the muscle tone that is used to keep the airway open when you sleep. (similar to the chiari effecting the swallowing muscle - the nerves are coming from a similar area).

Here is a good reference from the syringomyelia and chiari alliance project.