Hi guys,
I’m almost 6 weeks post op. I had the decompression surgery, Duraplasty and C1 Laminectomy. Around 3 or 4pm Saturday (yesterday), a headache started. It’s 3:20am Sunday now and the headache is still here, only worse. I have tried Tylenol, excedrime and Oxycodone. Nothing will touch the pain. I took 2 Ambien around 11pm (usually 1 will knock me out) but the pain is so bad that I can’t fall asleep. The headache right now is kind of all over. It’s more then just pressure. It’s pressure and pain. I feel like I may be getting nauseas, too. What should I do? Does this warrant a call to my doctor? Should I continue on longer to see if it will go away. Nothing makes it feel better. I think that lying down may even make it worse. The intensity of the pain moves around. Right now I have pain all over but its intensified on the left back side and behind my left eye. Earlier, the top and forehead area were the worst. Please send me your advice. Thanks so much.
Hi. Im kyle. I had a big wedge pillow to elevate me during heal, but still cant bend or lay without feeling the rush of fluid transfer in my head. This month is the year mark for my surgery. Im 30 and i still feel like shit. I have started acupuncture to treat the eye pain. Find an oriental medicine dr. They do great work with the nervous systems. I get my scar treated, i go often and feel great after. I am concerned about how well they did my surgery. I didnt feel like i recovered. I also didnt think about how close to the brain dr was working. If you have any concerns you can get a new mri to see if you have fluid from scar tissue in there. I still cant move my head without feeling my brain shift cause the flesh is squished and dented in. The wandering head pain is commen. Dont let dr tell you its something ELSE cause they dont know that. Humans are not fully educated on that part of the body. I am looking to have a deeper surgery into spinal sack. Two nerves poke out back of the brain( im concerned they are causing me my pain) they are called tonsils but they are off the brain. My eyes hurt too. Even during acupuncture. But she treats the area and my eyes feel better. And im looserin the head. I really want those big nerves out back there. Im sure we all have a lot of research. A girl on here contacted the Chiari Institute in Great Neck New York. It takes a long time to heal from this. Take your time rushing running moving. Good luck. Hope you feel better soon
Hi Anne,
I’m sorry this is happening, I agree with Emmaline. After my surgery I developed what my NS called chemical meningitis, and the headache was excruciating. They can give meds for it that will help. I hope you feel better soon.
My daughter developed hydrochepulus after her surgery. Go to ER and call ur dr
I had a similar headache a week after surgery-- worse than any headache before surgery. No pain medicine would help. I went to the ER (which you should do) because the pain was so severe, but they just thought everything looked fine, gave me a dose of steroids, and sent me home. I called my doctor once the office was open, and realized the head pain started after my post-surgery steroid pack ended, and then was relieved after the dose from the ER. My NS said this intense headache was not common, but put me on steroids for a few weeks (Decadron). I still have headaches now, but I'm glad that after a few more weeks of steroids, the headaches were more bearable, and less often.
Definitely get checked out at the ER and call your doctor, but I thought I would share my experience since my headache was very similar to the pain you described.
Did you go to ER and get any relieve? I have heard some have developed what they call a tethered cord and also had to have blood patches because of a leak...hoping you will give us an update {{hugs}}
I am 2 months post op and I have had a two week straight headache that meds don’t touch. Also my numbness has returned even worse then it was before! My NS has been out of town the entire time so I went to my primary my Neurologist who both said we don’t know why. Did blood work and mri’s with no abnormal results now I feel like I’m getting sick constant fluid running down my throat and I am concerned! I would say keep on your doctor until you have results I will be doing the same please keep us posted on your ordeal!