Anybody get pain behind their eyes which worsens when you bend over? I’ve been having this in my right eye, which is odd because most of my pains are normally on my left side!
I get this occasionally, but like you, it’s not the usual for me. If it’s worrying you, you should go see your doctor though.
I am actually having a problem like this myself, that just started happening a few days ago. For me when I cough I feel as though a nail is being driven through my eye from behind. It's only the left one (thankfully) but the pain when it occurs is excruciating.
I get this occasionally behind the left eye. I do not know what causes it, but if worrisome please get it checked. I have yet to find a relief outside of rest. One thing to check would be your blood pressure, mine is always in a state of flux (either extremely high and dropping to extremely [or vice versa]low very rapidly lasting for at least a half hour).
If you find a cause or cure, please let me know, my wife just walked in and said one of the shows on the TV said it was cranial nerve compression. Will have to check it out more. Will get back with results.
Hi Taylor,
I often have eye pain. When was your last MRI or CINE MRI? Headaches can cause eye pain. If you were post surgical I would say it is probably from Occipital Neuralgia. I would definitely get it checked. I also had Geniculate Neuralgia a Cranial Nerve Disorder where cranial nerves were compressed & had MVD Surgery. Cranial Nerve Compression will show up on a Brain MRI.
Yes, I do take topamax. My last MRI was in October. We considering getting this checked out…