Post Surgery 9 days Discomfort

Does anyone have any advice... I need it... I can't sleep comfortably. I've tried "the boppy" pillow, regular pillows, tempur-pedic neck pillow, a body pillow. Nothing helps, any suggestions?

Hope you find something. I might need to know too. My surgery is Tuesday!!!

Good Luck Mindy...I can honestly say, I've felt no pain, just discomfort. Be ready for the after effects of anesthesia... yuck. Don't worry you have a whole world of chiarians praying for you ! I'm grateful for all the prayers and well wishes !

i had same issue , i thought a big fluffy would be great ( m a side sleeper BTW) but my wife found a pillow at JCP (

Signature Collection Cervo Comfort Pillow designed a little different which may help you as it did me.

The week after surgery I used a regular polyester pillow from IKEA. It had just enough support for comfort. I have a chiar pillow but it just wasn't comfortable right after surgery. I did finally switch back to my chiari pillow and have been using it every night. It it filled with pieces of memory foam so it gives just the right amount of support.

Hope you find something soon so you can get some good rest.

Many Blessings!


I hope that you are feeling better as each day passes by! Be patient :)