Post-Op Symptom Flare-Ups

I had surgery for the Chiari over 12 years ago & it was deemed successful. Most days I would agree with that declaration, but then something happens like yesterday where I was tossed around -- back & forth, side to side -- in a desperate attempt to avoid a T-bone car accident. I know you're "not supposed" to get whiplash unless you have a rear end collision of >15mph, but it seems pretty clear that's what I have... headache at base of skull, neck pain, blurred vision, dizziness, alternate fullness/tinny ringing sensation in ears.

Can anyone else relate? After all I've been through, sometimes patients are better informed than doctors about Chiari (I can't tell you how many doctors I went through until I was sent to a Mayo neurologist that diagnosed me with [cerebellar-based] vertigo related to the Chiari & received treatment that confirmed his diagnosis). Does anyone else feel like even-post-op the Chiari makes them more vulnerable to certain C-spine issues?