I noticed that a few of us have personal blogs on chiari (maybe more of us that I know.)
So I thought maybe we could put a section in the resources for personal blogs. If you'd like to submit yours post the link in this discussion.
I noticed that a few of us have personal blogs on chiari (maybe more of us that I know.)
So I thought maybe we could put a section in the resources for personal blogs. If you'd like to submit yours post the link in this discussion.
You are always thinkin'!!!!!! Good idea......I am thinking of blogging but don't know where to begin!!!LOL
lol :)
I think too much sometimes. So many ideas. You should see my desk and notebooks!
As for starting a blog...you should! Best place to start is telling your story or just talking about Chiari and what it is. Mine is a mix of information and personal experience. Basically anything I think or feel to write.
I would love to share my personal blog with you all. Mine can be found here ------ http://daywithchiari.wordpress.com/
I welcome feedback, questions or whatever.
oh misty
you are fantasic writer, you put me to shame, lol
you should write for a magazine or newpaper, the way you express yourself is great,
Thanks Misty! I added yours to the resources tab:)
I know there are quite a few of you out there with blogs (I'm following you :p) Post them here if you're interested!
Lori, I was thinking the same thing!
lori said:
You are always thinkin'!!!!!! Good idea......I am thinking of blogging but don't know where to begin!!!LOL
Thank you so much for the complement. And honestly I would love writing professionally.
joelene hossack said:
oh misty
you are fantasic writer, you put me to shame, lol
you should write for a magazine or newpaper, the way you express yourself is great,
Oh gosh Ive been on it for so long now. Id say at least 2 years total. It has been like 3 yrs off and on though. Currently I am only on 100mg a day.
Twitch said:
I really enjoy reading your page. How long have you been taking Topamax for Chiari symptoms? I've been on 600mg a day for nearly three years for Tourette's issues. I found that for a short time after I pushed about the 300mg mark, I had some short term memory issues and word recognition problems, but those subsided within a couple of weeks. I've started having the same issues again lately, but I'm starting to think that it may be brain related. I haven't had an issue like this due to the medication for over two years. Without the Topamax, I'm a ticking mess.
MistyB said:I would love to share my personal blog with you all. Mine can be found here ------ http://daywithchiari.wordpress.com/
I welcome feedback, questions or whatever.
Hey there everyone, I'm new on this support group but I'm blogging my experience with my upcoming decompression surgery over at:
It's a pretty new blog with only a few posts so far, but I try to post daily now that I'm less than a month away from the big day.
Hey Ella:)
Thanks for sharing your blog. I will add it!
This might sound silly…BUT…how and where do I go to start a blog? I have always thought about doing one, but never really knew where to look. Are these sites free?
There are plenty of sites to start a blog. The bests ones are blogger.com and wordpress.com
They are both user-friendly and free:)
AzAngel said:
This might sound silly....BUT....how and where do I go to start a blog? I have always thought about doing one, but never really knew where to look. Are these sites free?
If you live with chiari, you may be interested in reading my book....my memoir titled, "It's all in Your Head." It tells the story of what I went through after being diagnosed with a rare brain cyst called a Posterior Fossa Arachnoid Cyst. The lack of medical care, doctor's listening etc., created the Chiari and my book will inspire others to never give up. You can find my book on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Tate Publishing.com and wherever else books are sold.
Wishing all my Chiari survivors good health and happiness.
Maria McCutchen
I'll add your book to the resources page :)
Thank you!
Thanks so much. I have already heard from others that it is a good source of help and want to reach as many people in the same or similar situations as I have been in.
Again, thank you -
Me, too, please! I am also following everyone else's blog that is listed here. http://shalunyaboyet.blogspot.com
Would there be any interest in doing a blog carnival? Once a month there is a specific topic (chiari related) in which all of us write a post about. It's a good way of broadening our readership, staying focused, sharing helpful information, etc.
I'll add you! And I think that is a great idea! I'd love to do that! I've also been thinking about creating a "blogring" I'm not sure how it works but its basically like a network of blogs on the same topics. So we'd all have each others blogs linked on our pages in a blog ring. I'll look into that if anyone is interested.
Shalunya if you want to think about a topic and pick a certain time a month we should do the carnival.
shalunya said:
Me, too, please! I am also following everyone else's blog that is listed here. http://shalunyaboyet.blogspot.com
Would there be any interest in doing a blog carnival? Once a month there is a specific topic (chiari related) in which all of us write a post about. It's a good way of broadening our readership, staying focused, sharing helpful information, etc.
I too would be interested in doing a blog carnival. If it takes off, please send out a post or me a message so that I can also join in.
Great!!!! I am excited about this! I am also contacting a few other blog writers that are not listed here. I just want to get as much exposure as possible for us.
For our first month we should probably do something basic just to introduce us and our particular story to our readers. Maybe a Q&A but with some really fun questions.