Panic Attack -Need Opinions

Steven is 18 had his decompression surgery in September and surgically is doing great. he has not had a headache and his IBS is definitely better!. The issue we are having is anxiety / panic attack. His Dr. first prescribed help. then went to clonazepam, that worked but he had to take it too often and a high dosage which made him too loopy. Then went to Valium 5mg every 4-6 hrs and 50mg of lamictal 2x daily. the lamictal helped with his mood swings but I discovered he was taking the valium like candy.Steven said that this combination wasn't working so I made another appointment with the Dr. for later this week and then today, he text me from school and said he took 10mg of valium and he is having a major attack and cant breath. he showed up at my work and I was scared! he was shaking sooo bad, sweating from head to toe, having trouble catching his breath. I took him straight to his dr. office and said he heart was racing (tachycardia). The Dr. said that the 10mg of valium should have knocked him out ( he only weighs about 120lbs) and stopped the attack, he was very concerned. he looked all over his recent tests, MRI's for brain tumors, CT scans for adenoid, thyroids, etc.he was almost thinking it was medical and not physiological but all his recent tests and blood work are normal. so today Steven was prescribed inderal to lower his heart rate a little and Depakote dr 250 3x daily and wants to see him again in 2 days.

to add to this mix, back in 2010 Steven had an irregular EKG that suggested a right bundle branch block and ST elevation, well before decompression surgery he had another one that his GP did in the office and it said: Sinus Bradycardia, short PR interval, Left axis deviation, RBBB with left anterior fascicular block, extensive ST elevation suggests pericarditis. His Dr. said this was not anything to worry about at the time but we have an appointment with a cardiologist on Monday to follow up.

Today his Dr. was concerned he was missing something and had another internist from the office come in and evaluate Steven, she also looked at the EKG and said this is nothing to worry about, keep your appointment to make sure. I asked both the Dr. if his heart issues could be causing this severe attack today and they both very quickly said the same time.

Both Dr.s examined him together and asked him a bunch of questions and decided on the above Inderal / Depakote mix.

I am looking for opinions on this...has anyone else have this happen. If so what finally worked.

I felt so bad for him today. thanks for all your support and help.


I’m thinking its time for a cardiologist, one who understands dysautonomia- I believe there is a specialty within cardiology for this. Message Beeba for the type, she knows. Tachycardia can be overwhelming. Dysautonomia is very common with brainstem and spinal cord issues. I got it after my decompression, but With meds (a beta blocker) I’m feeling soooo much better. I’m sorry your son is dealing with all of this.


his GP is having his latest EKG sent to a couple cardiologist today to get their opinion. Steven actually got a call from him last night at 9:30 pm to see how he was feeling. :) there are Dr.s out there that really do care about their patients. As I mentioned this whole episode really scared me.


Charsay, I had a normal EKG but definitely have dysautonomia.