One year post decompression surgery I began having nerve pain kind of like a stinging tingling and burning on all four of my extremities. I also began have been low-grade fever’s. My neurosurgeon did an MRI and I was informed that I lost my cervical spine curvature and the lower disc in my cervical spine are beginning to bold but not enough to do anything with it.Three months ago I began choking on my food. I was diagnosed with dysphasia and evidently I have lost my gag reflex and my muscles in my esophagus are not functioning well. As of today I have had four days now of numbness and tingling sensations from my eyes down to my chin and new numbness up to my knee on my left leg. I have an appointment to see the neurologist on the 25th they are doing a flexion extension x-ray to determine if I have craniocervical instability. I just wanted to see if anyone else out there has any suggestions and things for me to pursue before I actually go into see The Nuerologist .
Just from everything I’ve gone thru with my son, I would just bypass the
neurologist & go back to the neurosurgeon . If you’ve lost your gag reflex & symptoms are that severe, what can the neurologist possibly do? Maybe send you to a GI doctor? … I wasted a lot of time when my son developed tinnitus. The neurologist just kept batting us back to the ENT. I would definitely get an opinion & probably from a different NS than the last one you saw. Have you had a recent MRI? Sometimes a fresh set of eyes can give you a whole new perspective for your situation.
Thank you for your advice. My last MRI was a year ago. I will definitely continue pursuing this.