don't know if I like it or not......
The feed on the home page is as it always has been without categories the only chang there being the last 12 shown insteda of fou, same withe the general feed. We moved the blogs to the center column so those on mobile devices would have better access.
The forum software we were using is no longer supported by the publisher. Some of the changes are in preperation for migration to new software. We are trying to get all 33 communities the same platform so they can be easily moved without losing any content and minimal expense.
Please stay in touch through the process, and we will answer questions as thet arise. Its a huge project, the size of which I don't think has ever been done by volunteers, let alone volunteers that all have a "rare diseae" Its gonna be quite a ride. We appreciate everbodies patience and help.
If you know anybody with some tech experience have them contact me. Especially .css
Sorry, but have to agree. Not sure that the Chiari site has enough posting to split them up. I like to take a quick peek at all the latest posting rather than hunt and peck in the different categories. Of course, technology is not always the easiest to navigate. Just my opinion...
That quick look is still there on the home page as it alwyas gas been. On the discussion page if you look on the search box, to the far right there is a pull down labeled view (right next to the sort by) you can choose categories or discussion. Discussion will give you the view you are used to.
There is more activity than you think. We are to the point here where the search function is a crap shoot for some of the more popular terms. Also we are going to have to limit the number of archieved discussions. I don'like the idea of picking a date and eliminating everything before it. We lose to much good material that way.
For every post, we are averaging 100 - 150 views BTW.
No I am not a moderator. There are folk much better at that than I.
I'm a patient on several communities, moderate on one have a granddaughter we are raising with brain injury and a herniation (very similar to chiari) from a car accident as well some pretty severe autoimmune disease. I'm just helping get this community formated for the migration to the new software, I have a fair bit of experience in this world however so post from time to time.
There is a great team of experienced moderators both in working with patient communities and dealing with rare disease (and navigating the system) here although some of them are pretty ill that will be here until the new moderators and greeters from this community are ready to go on their own. There are also several medical professionals who you may not see or hear much from fact checking some materials.
The real purpose of these forums is for the members to share with each other experiences, skill to both live with Chiari and navigate the complicated system.