Hi everyone. I am new to this I have been having problems for over two years and seeing a neurologist. At first I was being worked up for MS and the doctors were certain that is what I had even though I had no lesions on my brain.
I have a spot a.k.a. a syrnix on my C7 through T2. I actually had it show up on an x-ray that a chiropractor did as well as an MRI but it was dismissed.
I am supposed to be getting an appointment at the Mayfield clinic in Cincinnati with Dr. Ringer. But I am still waiting on someone to contact me on my appointment time and day.
My symptoms have gotten so bad that my PCP put me off of work. I am becoming depressed and I am lonely and no one seems to understand what I am going through.
I just want answers. I want to know why I am going through this and how it can possibly be fixed.
It might even be good to be proactive and contact them. Possibly, someone has forgot to contact you or should have contacted you sooner. I believe what you are going through is the apprehensiveness that comes from a diagnosis. It's shocking and even feels violation, accompanied with what seems to be no one calling you back is probably down right unbearable.
Once your doctor starts to educate you on your condition, that will start to help. You might even have Chiari Malformation 1 to accompany that diagnosis. I had 2 syrinx's, with my Chiari, although my cervical one is pretty much gone since my decompression surgery. Chances are with a syrinx you may need some kind of surgery. That decision, however, is up to yourself and your medical professional.
Your other obstable that is troubling that you may not be able to figure out right now is acceptance. The news of your diagnosis is probably so shocking to you that you haven't even considered accepting it. This was a huge issue for me. For myself, I didn't like the fact of being different from other people. My thought processing, time management, stress management and coping mechanism are grossly impeded.
This is another chapter in your new life. I am sure your doctor will have some contacts for counselors or support groups in your area. Until you accept it though, it will not be easy. That however will come with time, don't worry.