Neck pain & Fatigue

I seem to have constant neck pain and am always so tired I don't feel I can go another step. Having to work 40 hours plus a week is wearing me down. Also muscle weakness is getting worse and seem to be dizzy all the time. No surgery in sight and wondering if I need to find another Neurologist. Mine seems to take all my symptoms as though it is just me being lazy or a constant complainer.

Yes, I have HBP and also a small irregular heartbeat. I am on BP med and they say it is stable. I also have asthma and most of the time they find my oxygen levels are low.

No I have never had that test done and no my BP med is Lotrel.

Beeba said:

Have you had a tilt table test? Is your Bp med a beta blocker?

Thank you for this info. I see my Neuro next month and plan on taking the list of Chiari symptoms with me. Maybe I should get the list of symptoms for POTS as well. This is a nerve wracking condition!! I don't hope for other things to be wrong.

Abby said:

Please keep after them, you may have POTS syndrome and need extra testing. I myself blamed a lot of my POTS symptoms on Chiari, which they are a lot alike, but when I looked up the POTS symptoms everything started making sense. Surgery is not right for everybody, and remember it is only a treatment not a cure, so before the surgery route, I would have my doctors do some more testing.

Fatigue and dizziness is my biggest complaints of having POTS. You can look up on DINET,org the symptoms.

Other factors in muscle weakness is EDS Ehlers-Danlos, which I also have.

We know your not lazy and a complainer, you just want some answers. I first was diagnosed in 2009 with Chiari, 2011 with POTS, and last week with EDS, so it does not happen overnight. Just keep after them and tell them your most bothersome symptoms.

Something they told me to do is to take my vitamins, B's are essential, C, D, and Calcium. Taking walks will help with your muscle weakness, so they say. I am still out on that one.

Hope things turn around for you soon.