Neck and Shoulder Pain

Hello all,
I posted a bit ago asking about Chiari Specialists in the Orlando area but I put off going beyond my neurologist due to finding out I was pregnant. I delivered last Friday to a beautiful healthy boy with a pretty normal delivery. On Tuesday I started to get pain in my neck that got progressively worse and went into my shoulders. By Wednesday I had limited range of motion in my neck and causing some issues with breathing… My headaches have also returned with a bit of gusto. I put off asking doctors about my neck pain because I thought maybe it was because I’m looking down while feeding my son or changing his diaper. I didn’t have this issue with my other two children however. I am also not sure if the headaches are from hormones adjusting after delivery. I was put on prescription Motrin for after delivery type pains and that took the edge off my neck but not my headaches. Has anyone else have issues with this after having a baby? I was warned by the neurologist that the migraines would most likely start up hard and strong after delivery. I only had mild neck pain every now and then before. I know things could be much worse but I am sure like many if not all of you are tired with all these “wonderful” symptoms interfering with my daily life. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Happy Easter Christy Joy!

I had my son 2 years ago with a C-section after hours of labor. I can say that the pain in my neck and shoulders was worse then anything from the C-section. The pain lasted weeks I even went to an urgent care center to get help. I remember the entire time I was in labor asking for my Best Friend who is a massage therapist to massage me neck it was unbearable. I had been in a car accident 2 years prior so the Dr.s and I figured it was all related. In the 2 years since I have had increasing symptoms including pain and weakness in my arms and shoulders that at times prevented me from holding my child. A few weeks ago I went to an opthamologist who found swelling of my optic nerves and sent me for an MIR and BINGO chiari! This is after visits to a heart Dr for tachycardia, a neurologist for wrist tingling, an endo for what we though was thyroid issues and an orthopedic Dr with severe knee pain. Its been about a month since diagnosis and I have met with a NS who is having me get a CIne MRI and then we decide. I have decided that I need to be the best mother I can be ( newly single mom ) and to do that I need to at least attempt to get better. If Dr. say surgery i am in.

Thank you all with your replies. My mission today will be contacting doctors while my little guy lets me. I just needed to hear it wasn’t just me.I wish you all the best in you chiari journeys!

It turns out I suffered from bilateral internal carotid artery dissections as well as one vertebral artery dissection. Shortly after this post I showed signs of Horners Syndrome. I had pain on left side of face and a droopy left eyelid. I went to the ER on April 11th after a week of pain not letting up. I also suffered a mini stroke. I am now desperate to find out why this all happened . It was suggested to see a geneticist for Marfans Syndrome.

Christ hospital dr Kevin Waldron or dr eminen two top neorosurgeons that did consultations and dr Waldron performed my daughters chiari decompression surgery in January 2013… I trust and recommend them highly

I am so very sorry you have been through so much. Please tell me you have help with your newborn? If there is anything we can do please let us know.

Thanks Tracy. Luckily my mother in law came for the week I was in the hospital and stayed a few days later to make sure I was okay being back at home. I am still on maternity leave until May 6th. I am on gabapentin for nerve pain and continue coumadin for six more months. I have more limitations with activity now which upsets me as I was pretty active before. I cannot lift more than my baby for a long bit of time so no more lifting my three year old. I have to fight to stay positive. Chiari symptoms alone were hard but now emotional issues of almost dying at 27 , side effects of medication and still residual pain and nerve damage. Sorry venting but it helps. Thank you again for your reply and well wishes. Many friends did come to pitch in with meals or staying up with baby or caring for my two older boys while I recover.

TracyZ said:

I am so very sorry you have been through so much. Please tell me you have help with your newborn? If there is anything we can do please let us know.

Thank you for sharing this Christy! How were your headaches while you were pregnant, any worse or better? Did you have a C-Section or normal delivery? I was just recently diagnosed, I am 35, and I am hoping to get pregnant in the near future. I have been concerned about it. If it isn't too personal, I would love to hear about your experience! I wish I could help you! Good luck and keep us up to date!