I can not seem to get through the day without napping. I usually am at my best in the morning and then wear down by noon or so. It is ridiculous for me to make plans, doctor appointments etc in the afternoon. If I, for some reason can not lay down at the normal time, I get overtired and grumpy like a toddler without a nap. I had my surgery December 2nd and feel like this should be getting better. I asked my NL about it and he says that chronic pain can cause exhaustion. Anyone else with this issue?
I haven't had surgery or anything yet, but I have the same problem with fatigue. I was told the same thing, that the chronic pain (and my Essential tremors as a result from it) just takes alot more out of my body so that's why I'm always so tired. There's been days were just trying to take a shower to go out exhausts me so bad that it makes the pain even worse and I have to cancel plans so that I can go lay down instead.
I am a mix. there are days I need a nap and I have fallen asleep in some very unusual place (dinner table while out) because of the fatigue, but there are days I can fend it off. Other days I have insomnia and no naps. some days both naps and insomnia. I have yet to make a connection between the napping and the insomnia, but we will see.
My daughter is a mix some days she is wake only 3 hrs and she is passed out sleeping. Some days she can not sleep at all. Somedays she naps and then can not sleep.It also depends on how much pain she is in and where the pain is. For me I notice when I get my headache all I want to do is sleep. I have insomnia a lot to.
My problem is not being able to get myself together until after lunch. I make all my dr appts late in the day. It doesn't matter how much sleep I actually get. I just can't function in the morning. I think my night time meds play a big part in that. I sometimes nap or just stay in bed all day. Today has been one of those days, but I have been spending a lot of time with my husband at the hospital. I think I have caught a virus or something. You have to leave thru the ER at night. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You are still healing. My NS told me it takes 18 months for your bones and connective tissue to heal. It also takes your body time to get used to a normal CSF flow. I think you are doing great !!
Tracy Z.
My surgery was Sept. 22nd and up until last week I napped just about everyday. Last week I went on a daily regimen of Plaquenil (for Lupus) and 2 weeks of steroids. I haven’t napped in a week. Unfortunately every one is telling me that I will probably crash again after they end. I have felt unbelievable this past week, so much so that my husband and girls notice and comment about how different I am.
I am assuming that the fatigue is part of the recovery thing.