
Saw my NL today and she's at the bottom of the barrel for headache-prevention meds. Her last-ditch idea is Namenda, an Alzheimer's drug. Freaky. Has anybody had any experience with it?

She also wants me to do a 3-day home infusion of Magnesium and Depakote to try and break this latest headache. Any experience with either of these getting rid of a headache?

I'm just left reeling from all of these unusual ideas...I'm desperate enough to try them, though.

Good to know, Emmaline. I could always use some more relaxed muscles, especially now!

Can I take it with other meds???

I have a friend who is trying Namenda I can ask her how thats going..I have had Depakote but I got of off it ....wasn't worth it for me all it did was make me super groggy .

Thanks, Liz!

I had never even heard of Namenda before my appointment so any info would be greatly appreciated. I asked my friend who is finishing up her Phd in Neuroscience about it and she said that it increases brain activity instead of inhibiting it like Depakote, so hopefully it won't turn me into zombie. The real question is whether it will help my headaches...

Also, I've got my in-home Magnesium infusion set up to start tomorrow.

I would looooooove some relief. Here's hoping!