...is obviously not the right doctor for me.
I finally had my neurosurgeon's appointment this morning after waiting seven weeks for someone to see me... and what a letdown it has been. She was so focused on calling me fat that she glossed over the Chiari. Yes, I have Chiari, but she thinks because it's only 5mm it's a "mild" case. When I told her I had been reading up on it and it's not the size that matters (heh) but the spinal fluid flow, she said I didn't present any symptoms of a spinal fluid blockage and I shouldn't be reading things on the internet because I might start thinking for myself. I told her I hadn't had a CINE MRI and she said she doesn't order those because insurance usually won't pay for them. The business of medicine strikes again!
She also said all of my symptoms except the headaches (tinnitus, sleep apnea, balance issues, aphasia, memory issues, pain/burning in my neck & shoulders, vertigo, and on and on...) are all because I'm SO FAT. And she wouldn't do surgery on me because I'm SO FAT it would GUARANTEE complications. And I should see a morbid obesity clinic because I'm SO FAT. And we need to check for heart disease and blood clots in my legs because I'M SO FAAAAAAT! And she wants to do an MRI of my neck to check for a syrinx that she doubts is there but I may not fit in the MRI tube (even though I already have) because I'm FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. And if she DID have to do surgery, I wouldn't be able to lay on my stomach for long enough for her to do the surgery BECAUSE OF THE FAT!
Did I mention how disgustingly, massively, blubberwhaley I am according to this neurosurgeon? (For the record, yes, I'm overweight. But I don't have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid problems, or any other "fat" diseases. The pain and headaches slowed me down, and I started gaining weight. The disease caused the fat, not the other way around.)
She ordered another MRI, doppler on my legs, and is sending me to the ophthalmologist because she "doesn't see any indication of double vision." Apparently me telling her I have double vision is lies all lies.
My husband wants me to give it a month with this neurosurgeon and see where this path leads. I want to smack her in her smug mouth and find a different doctor.
God, I'm so disappointed. I thought things were finally starting to look up.