Muscle Spasms in my neck

Hello, how is everyone doing?
Lately I’ve started have slight head ache near my incision. I’m still having burning sensation on my left side. Today I had a muscle spasm in my neck I was riding with my daughter but I’m glad I wasn’t. Driving because if hurt.

The Dr released me to go back to work but his nurse is the one handling everything g and she says I don’t need any restrictions that I should be OK. I even tried to tell her that we have to do physical training and sit ups are involved. She said that’s OK it may hurt a little but y’all be OK. She almost got her feelings hurt too. I’m kinda pissed right now so therefore I’ll end this convinced. Thanks for reading my thoughts and venting.


I too, had neck spasms for a long time after the operation..looking back I think I was taking Soma for the spasms for at least 3 mth after the decompression.

I did not drive for many, many mths...and I still don't drive the Thru-way.

Hope today you are feeling better.



Thank you but I have started driving after weeks of therapy I’m able to turn my neck pretty good.

I am sorry that you are having continued symptoms


Abby said:

You know what Tracy, I am too? I would take it easy and not do too much. You had a very serious surgery and still recovering.

Driving is hard for us to turn our necks and if yours it having muscle spasms, that should have been addressed by your doctor, not the nurse. Being released without restrictions, a lot of the doctors do that, but I say, if it hurts, then don’t do it!

Please know we are here for you. Praying for you too.

Love, Abby

I’m so sorry. I agree that it should of been handled by the dr and not his nurse. She sounds like a loon. Take it as easy as possible and I sincerely hope you get to feeling better.

Tradee30 said:


Abby said:

You know what Tracy, I am too? I would take it easy and not do too much. You had a very serious surgery and still recovering.

Driving is hard for us to turn our necks and if yours it having muscle spasms, that should have been addressed by your doctor, not the nurse. Being released without restrictions, a lot of the doctors do that, but I say, if it hurts, then don’t do it!

Please know we are here for you. Praying for you too.

Love, Abby

Wow, what is really going on with the medical field these days. Please take it easy as much as you can. And be careful.

How is the world is the nurse going to tell you what it is that you can and cannot do? If you know that you cannot physically do it, then they need to write the restrictions accordingly. Does she have I am gonna need her to get it together. Please don't make have to come to the ATL and grip her up!

I digress.

I am sorry for the neck spasms. I sure hope you have a a better week.
