Moving to Arizona and need to find a NS there

I haven't posted here in a while because Michael has done great since his surgery on August 1st. He's had just a few "chiari" headaches, but nothing NEAR as bad as pre-surgery! Don't get me wrong.... they are awful headaches. But he is at least functioning through them when before they would put him in bed for sometimes days at a time.

Michael has his 4 month MRI series Thursday morning and we see the surgeon Thursday afternoon to see how things are looking and talk about a referral to AZ. We are moving in February to the Northwest side of Phoenix. We mentioned this to the NS last time we saw him and he really didn't know anyone out there, but said he'd do a referral for follow up care to anyone we chose. I've searched the 2 chiari forums we use and really haven't come up with much. Anyone in the Phoenix area have any recommendations?! We have to find someone pretty quickly because we're still in the 1st 6 months post surgery and having regular check ups, etc.


Adult - it's my 41 year old husband.

Hi! I live in Arizona...My NS is Dr Andrew Little at Barrows Neurological Institute. I can give you information about him and others in the group if you are still looking!

rmlyonsfamily said:

Adult - it's my 41 year old husband.

I asked some of my nurse and dr. Friends from Arizona who they would recommend and was also given Dr. Littles name as well as a few others. Let me know if you’d like them too.

The Barrow Institute in Phoenix is pretty famous. Peter Najiki is who I'm going to see--they are top-notch, so I would look into that. :)