Memory loss?

i got so bad, that my husband and i fought all the time, i thought i lost my marbles,

i got so confused, i found i couldnt make appointments

i also forgot kids finished early from school, lucky a friend picked her kids up and grabbed mine also,

i forgot basic things, i found i couldnt recall what happened afew days later,

since having decompression surgery, ive noticed its gotten abit better, but i still have issues,

Mine is going ... It's apparently gotten so bad at work (people have noticed) that after they call and I head back to the office area, the person who called is standing outside of their office waiting for me (some with a smile and a wave). Usually seeing who it is triggers that they called. But a lot of times, they still need to go back over their issue :( I walk around with a notepad with a list of stuff written on it so I don't forget what tasks I am supposed to be doing.

And the calendar on my phone is the only way that I remember appointments and things. I'm pretty sure that I would forget to go pick up my kids from school if my phone didn't ding :-P It's hard to go from remembering everything to forgetting basic things (like finishing buttoning my shirt before I go to work).

I used to have the best memory. I could go back to a day and remember everything that happened. Now it's not so much like memory loss, it's like the memory is there but I can't access it if that makes sense. Like my head is full of fog. Also when I get overwhelmed it seems like things just shut down and I can't think. My boss just had a baby and is on leave and when I try to do new tasks it's like my head clouds up and I can't concentrate on what I'm doing. So frustrating. I also have trouble finding the word I want to use.

Im constantly seaching for words. ill be speaking and just cant find a word but i know full and well what im trying to find.

yes memory loss. mostly little things. but enough for my familiy to say im just doing that.

I do that too! my sentences get mixed up. Thats scary TracyZ

TracyZ said:

I loose words all the time. When I have abnormal migraines I can't even talk....I can speak, but it doesn't make sense. I talk nonsense...I know what I want to say, but my brain doesn't allow me to say them. I really hope you never experience this. the first time it happened I thought I was having a stroke. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.

Tracy Z.

This happens to me too! I used to have a photographic memory and now I forget the names of my best friends. I can barely remember anything that happened in my childhood - all that long term memory is gone. I'm starting to forget how to spell basic words/complete basic grammar and I'm an english major! I forget sentences while I'm talking and if I don't write down dates/lists of what to do, I just won't remember. Glad to know I'm not alone.

I guess memory loss is allpart of the illness. Its really crazy sometimes i be talking on my phone and i will ask my kids if they have seen my phone how crazy is that and just the other day i was looking for my car keys and they were in my pocket. Last saturday at church we were having a singing and i was suppose to give a welcome and all my words came out wrong and i really felt stupid but that was ok cause i was doing it for the lord and just about everybody knew about my illness. It can get to you but only if you let it.

I am having a neuropsychological test done next month. Has anyone else had this…what is it like. I have always been very organized and neurotic about details and things…and i am worried about the test because i know that I’m going to mess up ( which is why i’m having it done) but i hate to fail anything and I’m already having anxiety attacks about it. My husband and children have been great about it, but they all agree it’s scary and try to tell the doctor that it’s real ( they all act like I’m making it up). sorry…it so frustrating!!!

I am glad to hear I am not alone...and thanks for the suggestions. Great ideas!

Yes! Chiari-izm! Funny. At work doing mail merges etc I really have to concentrate and re-train myself. At the last MRI I was so worried the NS was going to say I had early dementia. He did say I had white spots in the brain, but the normal amount for my age (47). I guess its just a Chiari thing! LOL. Speaking of white spots in the brain - anyone else been told they have them?

OMG… I know exactly what you mean. The other night I was gearing up for bed but started thinking about what I needed to do the next day. Somehow, I ended up that 12 year old lil girl packing for dance class. I’m freaking 37. WTF. In addition, I’ve become the to do list queen but often I forget to check off the things I have already done so I end up doing it twice… :slight_smile:

Loved reading this advice and will take on board. Post it notes are a great reminder for me at work. Im sure some of my work mates probably think why has she got a "Move Car at 11am " post it (so I don't get a parking ticket) etc and work related things on my desk, but they do not know about my chiari otherwise I would have never been hired over the next person, if you know what I mean. I have only been at my present job 2 years (part time - that is all I can handle). But I am coping but I keep thinking one day I'll stuff up big time - I just have to keep thinking positively that it is all in there and I do have to find that path to find it!

Beeba said:

I do have those loss of word moments. Also just flat out forget stuff. This is where being honest with those around you can be a big help. I have had to explain my condition and I say I forget stuff. People are much more understanding when they DO understand. Give them the benefit of the doubt. We always put on that mask that everything is ok then you end up looking a little crazy. So when I can't find the word when speaking I just say "I am sorry I lost my thought,or word" people are better than we give them credit for. They help you find it and they even try harder to help you get out what you are trying to say. I don't want anyone to finish my thoughts but at the same time we usually can get at what I am trying to say then even have a little laugh about it. Sometimes we get so defensive and uncertain that we damn ourselves. Wouldn't you help someone with Alzheimer's if they were having trouble? Give people credit for being as understanding as you would be. I think the worst thing you can do is pretend it isn't happening. Because you may forget the word but later you remember the uncomfortable incident. Humor is a great coping technique. As for losing things - assign them a place. My shoes go by the door,my keys and glasses go on the hook etc. getting coping skills at least removes a few frustrations of daily life. And if I just don't remember I admit I have no idea what the hell they are talking about and say sorry "bad brain." I think we expect to much from ourselves and too little of those around us. In a work situation - I don't work - I would stock up on post it's. Sometimes I think more than not remembering I wasn't listening in the first place because I have so much heavier stuff on my mind. If you know it is something important really clear your mind and focus on the conversation at hand. We don't tend to leave our kids places, I always give my dog her meds 3x's a day at the right time because it is important and I focused on it. Hope this help at all - just what I do.
Ps I can tell you every line of Seinfeld so it is all still there you might just need a new path to find it.

I have learned to carry a note pad write everything down work with your memory I was so mad when I could not remember my music but now I listen to it daily to jog my memory play mind games to make your mind work I wish you the best

It is oddly comforting to read all the memory issues here in this thread. I forget my words a lot. It's in my head, but I can't find a way to access it or get it out "on cue" so to speak. I also say one thing when I think another and almost don't know how I said it so wrong! I won't remember something that happened the day before. It's getting to the point where my family just says "You Chris'ed it" when they forget something or get it wrong or backwards. It is a funny way to say the painful truth. I screw up a lot and forget more times than seems right. I am so sorry to say I "get you" on so many levels!

Wonder if I will remember I read this and replied tomorrow morning! HA!

I am with everyone here also. I think the 2 most common statements that come out of my mouth these days are 1) where is my brain, and 2) don’t confuse me. I have started forgetting people’s names that I see & interact with on a regular basis. It is so embarrassing sometimes! Used to when I would forget my train of thought, it would come back to me in a few minutes. Now it never comes back to me. I get very frustrated! It is good & like previously said, oddly comforting to know so many are experiencing these same problems.

Smahney…white spots on the Brian is what tarted my whole ball rolling…and yes I was old they were normal…ugh!

When I read the question "Memory Loss" I felt like I had a reason to validate my sanity! My memory loss is getting progressively worse. It is depressing and discouraging. I feel like people think I must be loosing it when I talk with them because my most common statement is " What was I just saying?" Everything you are saying here rings a bell for me too! Please tell me if you find a relief for the memory loss-

This is very confusing to me as I to had a very good memory. Now there is times i forget to eat during the day. I am recently divorced as my husband just couldn't handle it anymore I feel as the divorce has alot to due with my chiari and he doesnt understand it at all. Why is it that the memory goes so quick I am recently diagnosed Nov./12 and since then I have had a memory test and I really feel stupid because I just couldn't remember where the shapes and other things should go.

I am so glad this post is up here now. Just another confirmation that I'm NOT crazy. :)

My counselor sent me to a neuropsychologist in March/April cuz I have memory issues. HE is the one that officially diagnosed my depression, general anxiety, social phobia, and a cognitive disorder NOS. He said the cognitive disorder was most likely caused by some buried emotional trauma, but he knows nothing about CM. I still don't have any answers, but it's such a relief to know that I'm not crazy and other people understand what I'm going through.

I just found this link about CM & Memory problems.