Medical Alert ID

I was on a Facebook Chiari page and one lady asked about a medical alert bracelet. Is this necessary? How many of you have them for Chiari?

More specifically, she said that her neurosurgeon told her to get one that said something about Cranio-cervical fusion and fiber optic intubation only. What the heck is fiber optic intubation?

I asked if this was a normal thing for people with fusions, but haven't gotten an answer yet. Figured I'd ask here too!

I had a medic alert bracelet prior to knowing I had chiari but I did add it to my list, it’s not engraved on my bracelet but it is on my file. It states that I have chiari and that I had the surgery. I called to talk to a medic alert rep about what it means to be on my record vs on the bracelet, and they said that having it on my file helps anyone who calls about my bracelet know to run tests on my head if I was in a car accident or something.

I ordered one today. I just had my surgery January 19th and one of my nurses talked to me about getting a bracelet. It is engraved with-CHIARI 1, CRANIECTOMY, LAMINECTOMY C1 C2, NO NECK HYPEREXTENSION. I figured better safe than sorry.

I don’t have one but was wondering the same thing. As for the fibro optic intubation I do know what that is. If you’ve ever had surgery and the doctor had a hard time putting in a breathing tube they use a special device to help them place it in the right place.

Generally its not necessary but talk to your doc. If you are in a position where you can not explain your needs, there could be an unnecessary delay while the sort out the codes. There is some doc discussion here:

From everything I have read, yes it is a good idea, especially if you have POTS. If you passed out and could not let them know, I can see wearing one. I can see wearing one too, if you had a fusion or any problems that is associated with Chiari. I asked my doctor and he said yes!

Yes, I have a medical alert bracelet. I view it as a why not type situation. I am very willing to wear a little metal bracelet if it will inform paramedics on what not to do if i'm some how not able.

My surgeon was far more trusting of the medical staff. He said that if I were incapacitated in an accident, they had better be doing head scans with or without a bracelet. I also fear that EMS and other may be more fearful of treatment due to having NO IDEA what Chiari or even laminectomy or the others may be. I'd rather not delay emergent care. I do, however, carry identification cards with the number of family and loved ones to contact in an emergency, all of whom are aware of my condition and know to tell EMS of this.

I always wear a medical bracelet. Better safe than sorry if something happens out in public. Also if my walking starts to get funny, people will know I have medical issues, instead of just looking like I’m a crazy drunk or something. Haga