Hi AnaS and all of you,
All of these meds can simply prescribed by your Gp. My Neuro started me on Remeron. My Gp takes care of me between visits and controls any symptoms.
My treatment regime is as follows:
At night before bedtime: All of this is prevention of headaches - headache control
I take one of each of the three night time tabs every night:
Adco-Mirteron or Remeron 30mg
The rest was added by my Gp when we found I had progressed in headache and was just about always picking up migraine, and makes for very successful control:
Sibelium 10mg x 1 per night
Trepiline 25mg x 1 per night OR ELSE Myprocam 15mg x 1 per night
In addition I carry the following on me:
Tora-Dol 10mg for pain to be used if I develop signs of pain during the day. If I am over tired, do not sleep enough at night or sit working with my neck bent for too long I develop signs of pain starting, so then take Tora-Dol straight away and this immediately stops all signs of possible pain.
Aculoid for nausea when needed
Every Morning:
Lamictin 25 to support my balance. This helps very successfully to prevent me from falling
I recently started to battle with nerve ending irritation. Much like restless legs, but your whole body becomes so sensitive, busy, like a pain in nerve endings without the pain. The following was prescribed with great success.
Lyrica 150mg - 1 x night: 1 x morning.
At night when you go to bed, watch what your heart rate does when you lie on your pillow with your head. I found my heart started to race so badly I would jump up out of bead for fear, because of the added pressure to the back of the head was affecting the brain. I consequently was put on
Cardicor 2,5mg but any good Beta-blocker will do the trick.
Go to your GP. A person cannot go to the Neuro for every symptom we develop. They are too expensive and you also cannot wait so long to for symptom control. My Gp is very clued up on Chiari and knows exactly what I can expect and how to control it.
God bless