Have you ever been sent to a "Headache Clinic" Or "Pain Management"

I rememeber when I was first diagnosed with Chiari, the first NS I seen wanted me to go to a pain management clinic and have epidural shots in my neck. Have any of you ever had these and do they help. My GP wanted to send me to both last week, instead of a neurologist, I requested to be seen by neurologist first. Just curious what other's experience is with this.

I’ve had nerve blocks injected into the neck and at various points on my upper back and shoulder neither of which helped much at all. I had first occipital craniectomy/decompression and laminectomy in 94, then last year had surgery for basilar invagination (2nd vertebrae was compressing brain stem) sometimes assoc. with chiari. Personall, Im a bc powder and motrin person. I have learned over the years that not much helps the pain but sleep, so have become pretty good at living with the pain.

Hi Billie… I have heard that they really don’t do what it needed… Because most of the problems aren’t from the nerves, but from the pressure… I am sorry that your still in so much pain. But do understand the want to sleep. When I hurt, that just seems to be the best thing for me… I take WAY too many Naproxen, but thats the only thing that I have found that usually will take some of the edge off of my headaches… I do not have or want narcotics… Just didn’t like myself when I was at that point in my life…

Billie Jo Lang said:

I’ve had nerve blocks injected into the neck and at various points on my upper back and shoulder neither of which helped much at all. I had first occipital craniectomy/decompression and laminectomy in 94, then last year had surgery for basilar invagination (2nd vertebrae was compressing brain stem) sometimes assoc. with chiari. Personall, Im a bc powder and motrin person. I have learned over the years that not much helps the pain but sleep, so have become pretty good at living with the pain.

I would love to hear about her experiences… I just know that is what they are going to want to do again, and I am just not sure if thats what I want or not. Opinions and experience would definately help me make more informed decisions.

Abby said:

Teresa, Mary Anderson has, I will get her to tell you all about her Pain Management.

Yes I go to pain management and have had injections. http://www.lonestarpain.com/education/cervepisteroid.html is a link that explains it. I have to say they helped me but was not a miracle cure. Cut down on my headache meds. I think it may have helped with intensity. Injections have helped my hip and tailbone.

When I read these posts I could cry. My. Mother had MS and would go in to pain management for the terrible pain in her neck and head. It is only since my diagnosis that I realized she had Chiari also. It took so many years and many doctors to even diagnose her MS. With the blocks she at least had 6 months of pain relief. She hated these injections.

Jerry Wiggins said:

Yes I go to pain management and have had injections. http://www.lonestarpain.com/education/cervepisteroid.html is a link that explains it. I have to say they helped me but was not a miracle cure. Cut down on my headache meds. I think it may have helped with intensity. Injections have helped my hip and tailbone.

Thanks for everyone’s input, I have been down the past few day’s… Still trying to figure out what in the world I have done to trigger this all over again… I have come to a few conclusions, but might never know what truly triggers the pain… I will be talking things over with the neurologist when I see her, am making lists of everything, and found some educational stuff that I will be taking as well. I just don’t want to have to do the drugs again… I have too much at stake right now than to have any more brain fog than I already have.