Has anyone been scared?

hi all i was just wanting to know if anyone else out there has been really scared of new sypmtoms???? last week i went back to the hospital with a new symptom. The day before i had a really good day even semi forgot about my chiari for the day lol... this is rare lol... after my day i was making my bed and my whole body froze like a stiff piece of cardborad i couldnt move an i was bent over touching the blankets my hands locked onto the blanket and i couldnt speak. i stayed like this for a few minuits it felt like forever i was in a lot of pain down my spine and throughout my body. my body was stiff and weak for two days after this amd my speech came back properly the next night. this has been the most scariest symptom iv had. doctors at hospital said go home we cant do anything for you, you need to have the decompression surgery but you know that you have a chronic illness and thers no magic pill to make all better. i was very scared for two days and i cryed alot. anyone else out there have anything similar happen?????

I'm newly diagnosed - I've never had any issues you're talking about, but OMG it sounds terrifying, so seriously don't feel bad for being scared! It sounds like your doctor isn't the most helpful, that's for sure. Have you had a second opinion?

I have had that freezing thing in my back before my surgery. It's was almost like something in my back got stuck and I couldn't really straighten up or move for a little while. It's been almost a year and a half since my surgery and I haven't had it since then. It's o.k. to be scared; anytime something like that happens and we don't know what causes it, of course, it's scary!!!

I had something like that happen It is completely normal. Dont be scared cause it will be okay just remember that everyone gets scared at times and this is definitally something that can scare people trust me im going throught it now too but it will be alright at the end. so try to smile and go to your happy place cause soon it will be better.

thanks Shirley I feel a little bit normal now knowing that Im not the only one with this weird symptom. chiari has a mind of its own.... Im looking at surgery next year sometime. did they tell youi what the freezing thing was?????

Shirley C. said:

I have had that freezing thing in my back before my surgery. It's was almost like something in my back got stuck and I couldn't really straighten up or move for a little while. It's been almost a year and a half since my surgery and I haven't had it since then. It's o.k. to be scared; anytime something like that happens and we don't know what causes it, of course, it's scary!!!

thanks for all the messages ladies I do feel a lot better now.. yes a good movie a funny movie deffenitly when we a sore... thanks for all understanding im so glad i hav you all to write too about my chiari. I do feel that people who dont have chiari sometimes just cant comprehend how unwell we can get at times. Thankyou all my chiari family