Great Chiari Doctor

I just wanted to pass the name of a great doctor in Oklahoma. I had the pleasure of having my surgery done by Dr Rapacki. His surgery on me went perfect. He is very professional and has the best bedside manner I have ever seen of any surgeon. He is located in Tulsa, OK. He is very easy to get into and does not mess around, he got to my problem and fixed it asap. I thought I would pass this onto all you fellow friends. Sorry if this sounds like a advertisement.

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THANK YOU, KURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is wonderful to hear successes and great NS's.



I have had a couple of surgeries this year and know how hard it is to find someone who will level with you, and does a great job. Bedside manner is not one of the classes many surgeons went to. This doctor has a master degree in it. His PA Ingrid is a sweet heart and is always on top of it. The two together make up a great team!!!

My neurologist in Tulsa told me there were no ns in Oklahoma that would deal with chiari patients. my neuro dr dean sent me to colorado- surgery is scheduled for sept 1st having it done in Tulsa would have been alot cheaper on travel expenses. What clinic is yours with? Hospital? Just curious in case I need help later and wanna save on trip time. I live just outside Tulsa.

Thank you for sharing and I am so happy that you had a great outcome Kurt!!

Hugs, Tina

You may want to check this surgeon out as he is in Tulsa. If you would like his information I am more then happy to give it to you. This way you don’t have to go to Colorado. My neurologist and other ones highly recommended him for this surgery. His name is Dr Thomas Rapacki, he is at the St Johns Neurological Center. The office phone number is 918-748-7854 I had my surgery at St Johns Tulsa. They Have a Neuro ICU unit that is real nice. You share a nurse with one other person, and the rooms are real nice. If you ever want to meet up let me know I will show you the success of his handy work, and the new lease on life he has given me.

allisonpayne said:

My neurologist in Tulsa told me there were no ns in Oklahoma that would deal with chiari patients. my neuro dr dean sent me to colorado- surgery is scheduled for sept 1st having it done in Tulsa would have been alot cheaper on travel expenses. What clinic is yours with? Hospital? Just curious in case I need help later and wanna save on trip time. I live just outside Tulsa.

How many travel to have surgery and how practical is that? For follow-up post op and all. Share your thoughts if you would


I know there are these Chiari centers all over the country. I think the extra travel is not worth it to these if you have a perfectly good doctor right here.

I am also in Tulsa and am having decompression surgery on Monday (woohoo!). My neurosurgeon is Dr. Clifton Baird with Oklahoma Spine & Brain Institute, and he is also wonderful. I obviously can’t speak to his surgical skill just yet, but he has been amazing about answering my questions and walking me through this process. He did his residency at Johns Hopkins, too, which makes me pretty confident.

Just a thought, but do you other Tulsa Chiari survivors know if there is a face-to-face support group in town? I have met some great friends in online groups, but would love a chance to get together with other people that are going through this.

I am all for having a support group here. Just let me know.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back in touch. I had my decompression surgery on Aug. 15th and my memory has really deteriorated. I totally forgot about this page. Ack! The good news is my surgery went well and I'm driving again (no more than necessary, but at least I'm mobile) so I'm ready to get serious about getting together with people.

I am putting out feelers on Facebook, as well. I've actually started a Facebook group for Tulsa Area Chiarians. If you are on FB, feel free to join the group.

Glad you came through surgery successfully!

I tried to find this fb group and couldn’t what did you call it?

It's just called Tulsa Area Chiarians. Real original, huh? :D It's still really small....and brand new, so not much happening yet, but would love to have you. You can also find me on FB (Jenna Dawn Morrison) and I'll be happy to add you, if that's easier.

And thanks, Patty! :)

Anybody looking for a group in tulsa area check this fb page out

THANK YOU... I have been considering moving back to Oklahoma and have been needing to know if there was a good Chiari doc there...So I TRULY APPRECIATE YOU !..:)

strong text

if I need surgery I am going to travel to the chiari center in Wisconsin. This is there specialty so likelihood of getting it redone is less. Less scar tissue issues I hope. Faster healing.