Got good news today

I got a call back today from Mayo up in MN!! Their taking me. First apt is May 16

yeah. glad to heat good news

I know. I've considered Dr Menenz but have not seen the best reviews concerning him. I decided on Mayo because a friend of mine from high school her son has chiari and goes there.

Yay! That would have been my next step if I didn't get answers when I did...I wish you the best, you will need to keep in touch and let us know how it goes there. I wondered what they would have been like if I would have needed to go there.


That is great news! Please let us know how it goes.

Yeah!! Awesome! get your list of questions ready and take a loved one. Even with my list, if my husband wasn't with me i don't think I would have rememebred half the stuff I really wanted to ask!

Let us know how it goes!!

XOXO Monique

Hi there! I am from central Iowa. I am three months post-op with Dr. Menezes in Iowa City. My son also has Chiari (thankfully no surgery yet). His pediatrician told us NOT to go anywhere but to Dr. Menezes because he is one of the world's best. I can't imagine going anywhere else but to see him. We have friends who had a daughter with a trampoline accident. They had an appt with Dr. M, but when they tried getting her in quicker at Mayo, they explained that they had an appointment with Dr. Menezes in Iowa City, they said if you are going to see him there is no reason to be seen here - he's the best. I completely trust him and his staff. I truly feel blessed to have him in our state!! People come from all over the world to see him. It is your decision, but you could at least see Dr. Menezes for a second opinion. He doesn't push surgery - we are on "watch and wait" with my son. However, my symptoms and herination (24 mm) were significant enough he told me I needed it, but left the decision up to me. Good luck to you!

I am so glad you gut your appointment. I hope everything turns out Great !!!

I am happy for you!

My son is having surgery at Mayo on the 28th~ good luck with everything! You will be in good hands there!