I've been having bad headaches since sunday, went to go get my hair cut yesterday, while sitting in the chair it got so bad my eyes felt like they wanted to pop out of my head my neck started hurting and i was having a hard time taking. so i had to take another xanax to see if that would help cause i already took a naproxen sodium. so i went to my family dr he wants me to go see another surgeon cause the first one said it was not the chiari go back to your nl and have him find out what it is. so my nl sent me to a ms specialist to see about ms, he said your spots on your brain are from stress and your systems are from something else go to your family dr and stop seeing the neurlogist like its all from just depression. well then i started getting weakness in my left leg and pain in my feet so my nl sent me to a knee dr and he could not find anything wrong, that it could be something in your lumbar spine. so i had a mri on my lumbar spine, which i have acouple budgled disk but nothing that bad. My nl and family dr is the only one that has really been trying to help. i talked to my family dr about a cine mri cause i have not had one yet so thats why he wants me to go see another dr at u of m. crying seems to help get some of the pressure out of my head like i got water building in my nose and throat at time and pain in my eyes. MY memory has got bad lately and my thinking is bad some times i can't spell right. he put my on something for my depression to see if that will help. what else could it be, every other test and blood work came out ok so far. i've just about had enough
thanks, my family dr is sending me to a neurosurgeon from u of m hospital that deals in chiari, my report reads that is 7mm and the other surgeon says its not even that bad at all, well my damn head tells me different, i must say my nl has been good hes been really trying to help me and so has my family dr