Found one

I am not ashamed to say this made me cry and think of all of you. I do not what the words mean but in my viewpoint , it is about the power of one and how it changes lives and helping. Just like all of you have helped me at one time or another. Thank you for everything you do for me and for anyone and everyone else. It is a little long 5:33 but I thin it is very worth the time and please listen to the music it is classical and fits the peace very well.

Here it is

Hang in there!!!

Thank you for sharing! This made me cry too.

Wow! That was amazing. It’s nice to see the good in people.

Mike it so true. Thank you for the positive video! And btw, I get the opportunity to thank a vet today, thank you for your service Mike!


Thank you for sharing this!! Miss you,

We need more of this.Thanks for sharing this,thank you for your service to our county,God Bless You.