Feeling overwhelmed and lost :/

Hi guys,

I feel like I'm receiving such mixed review on what to do regarding my Chiari Malformation. I also have EDS that the geneticist believes may be vascular and gliosis which is CNS damage. I experience vertigo, migraines and just weird sensations that I can only describe as feeling what I would guess either a small seizure or stroke would feel like. Fun stuff. I put off the surgery because I wasn't sure if the symptoms were coming from the gliosis or Chiari Malformation I. I would really love if anyone with EDS and Chiari could give me advice or tell me their story and what they chose to do. I believe the EDS plays an integral part in choosing what to do because it is harder to heal with EDS and because everything in an EDS patient is looser and more permeable this may cause neck instability, and my neck feels like rubber on a daily basis already so I'm worried that the surgery will expose me to further neck instability. So confused. So lost. Kind of feeling like giving up :,( Any information at all would be appreciated.

Much love


Hi, It seems you're in a really tough spot. Have you posted on EDS support group? maybe they can share thair surgery experiences. http://www.ehlersdanlossyndromesupport.org/

Hope you find the answers you're looking for and you can make a decision with ( at least some) confidence! Best wishes to you! :)

Keep us updated on this!