Eyelid drooping

Hello. I had my surgery a month ago and for the second time that I’m aware of, today I felt a little pressure on my eye. I looked in the mirror and that eye, the right one, clearly wasn’t open anywhere near as much as the left, despite the fact that all my problems have been on my left. I called my surgeons office and left a message but he didn’t get back to me. I’m wondering if anybody has had this symptom. I don’t know if I should be scared. It didn’t hurt. I was just able to feel it but I can’t help but wonder the cause. Thanks. - TracyJessica

It’s not like him to not call back so I’m sure he will tomorrow, as long as he is in the office. The other surgeon who did my surgery is out for the week…of course. I guess you can say I’ve had my follow up. I’ve seen both surgeons quite a few times after surgery due to extreme pain. Good news is I just had my MRIs done because of that so if anything is going on it should be detected on those. I’m actually starting to feel it again as I’m writing this. It’s not painful at all. In retrospect, I really think this has happened a big handful of times more, but because it’s not painful I haven’t been compelled to run and look at it. I want to believe that if it could possibly be dangerous that my surgeon would have called back, but then I fear someone forgot to give him my message. Sorry to ramble. I haven’t been healing the way I had hoped…With the intense pain and all so now I just get real scared with anything new, and I have heard stories about pressure on the occipital nerves. Thank you for your response! - TracyJessica

I haven't had any experience with this but I have heard that after surgery you may see some new symptoms as your body adjusts to the proper flow of csf. Hopefully this is just that sort of adjustment period. Let us know what your NS says!

My left eyelid has been dropping for years - even before my Chiari was discovered. It continues after my surgery - when I'm tired. I think it's just one of the many Chiari related symptoms - however - I would at least see your PCP since it started happening so recently after your surgery.

Good luck & God bless! = )

Chridtiemon, thanks, I am still planning on seeing my surgeon about it. I literally mailed him my new MRIs yesterday. I’ll give it a few days so he can get them and have a look.

christiemon said:

My left eyelid has been dropping for years - even before my Chiari was discovered. It continues after my surgery - when I’m tired. I think it’s just one of the many Chiari related symptoms - however - I would at least see your PCP since it started happening so recently after your surgery.

Good luck & God bless! = )

Thank you Anglyn. I never thought of it like that. I have been having a hard time after surgery. If what you are saying is true, maybe some of the other things I’m dealing with could be just that also. Oh I hope so!

Anglyn said:

I haven’t had any experience with this but I have heard that after surgery you may see some new symptoms as your body adjusts to the proper flow of csf. Hopefully this is just that sort of adjustment period. Let us know what your NS says!