It seems after lifting anything and a stressful day my emotions seem to be out of control. Does anyone else seem to find their emotions can run crazy. I have a CSF fluid block are there any long term effects from that if I don’t have surgery. Sorry so many questions just trying to make the right decision about surgery. Thanks for any feed back.
If you have a fluid blockage then surgery may be indicated. That can cause a lot of symptoms and can eventually lead to syrinx. It is very hard to maintain stable emotions when dealing with a chronic condition. Chiari can really leave us physically and emotionally exhausted!
The brain of a Chiarian is under constant trauma. Stress and over tiredness both impacts on the brain. Lifting heavy things causes strain in the neck and impacts on the problem area of Chiari sufferers. It is important to avoid all of the above as it will play havoc with self control and emotions. Personally I will experience it as extreme tiredness inside the head and any further listening or speaking will be just too much to cope with. The only way is to guard against it, rest a lot, adjust career to accommodate your situation to cope better etc. All the best.
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I think it's totally understandable. Before I finally found out what was causing my headaches, I was pretty depressed. I couldn't go out with my friends anymore or make my family dinner in the evenings, because I needed to be in bed and couldn't function. At that time, you would think your friends and family would reach out MORE to you, but it seemed to me people kept their distance. I couldn't understand why my phone wasn't going off with texts every day asking how I was doing. And now that I have a diagnosis and have shared it with everyone, I wish they would ask me about it, to explain it, but I'm imagining them thinking, 'thank goodness she has a diagnosis and will get relief from headaches and stop talking about them!'. But I'm sure that's all in my head. So to speak. Hahaha!
Anyway, sorry to ramble on, but you are not alone!! :)
I can completely relate to how you are feeling. And youre feelings are very valid as mentioned above. I do find great relief in this support group. It is hard for my family to relate and sometimes they feel like it is all I talk about, which may be true, as it is constantly on my mind. I think it would be a good idea to talk to your Dr about how you are feeling, you may benefit from an antidepressant, anti anxiety etc. Hang in there :)
I really identified with your description of what it's like. I get the same way. If I am stressed or over-exert myself physically I can't handle talking to anyone, answering questions, making decisions or anything. When people (co workers, kids, whoever) try to communicate with me when I'm in the state I feel like saying my brain is turned off - go away :) When pressed I can snap at people or sometimes start crying. I do take anti depressants and that helps a lot with making my emotional reaction less severe. I also make sure the people in my life understand it is the Chiari talking when I get that way.
flerrie said:
The brain of a Chiarian is under constant trauma. Stress and over tiredness both impacts on the brain. Lifting heavy things causes strain in the neck and impacts on the problem area of Chiari sufferers. It is important to avoid all of the above as it will play havoc with self control and emotions. Personally I will experience it as extreme tiredness inside the head and any further listening or speaking will be just too much to cope with. The only way is to guard against it, rest a lot, adjust career to accommodate your situation to cope better etc. All the best.
I also feel that way! I sometimes think I am an emotional mess!
Well I think all of us have messed up emotions because of the strain on our brains. What helps me is the mirtazepine I take as it works against depression and the negative effects in the brain, assisting against headaches as well. A person who feels tired and strained inside the head, who feels the strain inside the head when you have to talk too much, or who is put under stress in relationships while you feel the strain in your head, is bound to be an emotional mess. It is important to get the doctor to prescribe something that will help the brain against the onslaught and depression and support balance. ,
Painful head said:
I also feel that way! I sometimes think I am an emotional mess!
I just want to say thank you everyone for your advice and your help. It’s a great comfort to know you’re not alone. And believing for better days for all of you.