Confused: Can the length of the tonsilar herniation decent change from day to day?

My son was recently diagnoses with Chiari 1, with a left tonsilar decent of 7mm and a right tonsilar decent of 11mm. The radiologist said symptoms could change from time to time depending on if the brain floats back up and temporarily relieves pressure. I have not heard or read anything like that yet. Is this correct???

Being a nurse and studing the brain for many years. I was taught that theherniation usually is a slow decent. And can be come worse in a car wreck or by wiplash like injury. It may be that this wa hou your son developed. With 2he gsin of medical knowledge and the improved eqiupment you may have recieved a better dignoses. My situation stated I had a 4mm herniation but with surgery it was 12-14mm. I hope this helped a little.

Also It is true that the symptoms we have very day to day. Sometimes we feel find and sometimes we can’t get out of bed. The spinal fluid changes depending on the pressure the herniation is causing. I have never heard of the herniation changingbut in a way it does make since that the amount of spinal fluid changes minute to minute because we always produce spinal fluid. This is why use Chiari patients not being diagnosed until later on in life seem to have more issues, because we’ve went with unproper spinal flow all our lifes and it creates alot of problems and nerve damage. Children usually do real well with surgery and post op. All the children I know of can return to their normal life with in a few weeks. I know this is a scary time I have a terminally ill child so I know how scary it can be when you get diagnosis. You are in a great support system here. Kbow that ur family is in my prayers.