Does anyone have any experience with consussions that after MRI find chiari malformation.
My 16 year old daughter had a concussion during a basketball game. She was required to sit the game and rest for 2 weeks. She had two other concussion son after also during basketball games. Headaches became far wores and she has sizziness, nausea, vomiting. Senitive to light, sound, & smell.
The 1st concussion was Dec 27th 2011. She has not been able to attend school on a regular basis.
An MRI showed a notalbe Chiara I malformation. She was evaluated by a neurosurgeon and he said surgery was needed, but the concussion would have to heal 1st. Next Neurosurgeron at the University of Michigan was seen in Feburary and said all her problems are from the concussion not the chiara.
We were told to see a ped-neurosurgeon and return in 2 months for a MRI of the total spine as well as CSF flow studies to evaluate for syrinx. THis is scheduled for her 17th birthday on May 17th.
Just wondering if anyone else has had a consussion with Chiara?
I suffered a concussion after a motor vehicle accident I had an MRI done 6 months after the accident and was diagnosed with Chiari a herniation of 7mm. As per my Neurosurgeon at NYP-Cornell who specializes in Chairi he stated that concussion symptoms can linger for up to 6 months once they subside and have a break where you some what feel better and then symptoms of head aches migraines, dizziness numbness etc start to reappear the symptoms are more likely to be caused by Chiari. But if it is clearly noticeable in an MRI and the Radiologist MD documents it in the reports get copys of the images and bring them with you to the doctor so he can see for himself. I suggest looking for an md in your area definitely a neurosurgeon who specializes in Chiari. My regular neurologist wrote me off and told me I would be fine.
I don’t have any experience with Concussions, but my Chiari and Syringomyelia (syrinx) symptoms started after a car accident. Many of us had our Chiari symptoms brought on by some kind of trauma. Like Grumpy said, your daughter should be seen by a Chiari specialist. There are lists of patient recommended doctors…You can find links on our resources and doctors page. I’m glad to hear that her NS is planning to do a full spine MRI and a CSF flow study…This shows that her NS has at least some knowledge about Chiari. You would be surprised how many NS fail to do these important tests. I hope your daughter gets the care she needs and starts to feel better very soon! Hopefully, some more people with actual Concussion experience will chime in with their thoughts:)