Chiari or another health problem?

I recently went into my doctors and was sent for an MRI. This was the outcome:

“The cerebellar tonsils extend just below the level of the foramen magnum consistent with Chiari I malformation. There is no significant mass effect or abnormal signal noted involving lower brain stem, medulla, or upper cervical cord. This finding is of doubtful current clinical significance.”

We did find mild scoliosis, and a slightly enlarged spleen along with the Chiari. Unfortunately, the technician doesn’t believe it is relevant. I thought we were finally coming to a diagnosis for my pain. The headaches, neck pain, burning/tingling/numb limbs.

My question for you is, with this being stated on my medical record, is it still possible Chiari is the cause for my pain, or should I let this go and move on to the next option?

When the doctor came in Nd told me we had results on my MRi I was pretty sure they hadn’t found anything and we’d have to start over. I was annoyed and just waited for him to say something so I could go home. When he told me that my MRI was consistent with with Chiari I, I was upset for about half a minute until a wave of ease grew over me. It was a terrifying fate, however I was so happy to finally know what was wrong with me. He let me believe it all for about a minute until he said that they didn’t believe it was causing my symptoms. Now I’m back to being upset. I have to start all over with a new neurologist so he can examine the MRI and see if he thinks differently. So far they’re writing me off as neuropathy with no known cause due to the feeling in my limbs and telling me that the migraines and neck pain are due to stress. I really just want a firm diagnosis already. I’m so tired of getting passed back and forth through doctors.

I’m going to do some research on Ehler’s-Danlos and see if it could be a reason for this.

Ask for a second opinion to rule out syrnx, spinal stenosis, vertebral foremen stenosis or herniated discs.

I have the burning sensation in my shoulder blades and left arm and excruciating daily headaches, but I have all of the above plus CM1.

I have seen first hand every radiologist reads the MRI differently and a different radiologist might pick up something or be more experienced on what another doctor missed.