Chiari, Meningitis, Hydrocephalus and a Syrinx

My husband Ryan was diagnosed July 2012 with a Chiari. He had the decompression surgery Sept 2012, developed meningitis, became septic, spent 9 days in ICU came home with a PICC. In December 2012 he was diagnosed with hydrocephalus due to the meningitis and had a VP shunt placed in Jan 2013. Things were getting better until his left side went completely numb and he was diagnosed with a syrinx in May 2013. He then had lumber-pleural shunt placed to drain the syrinx into the space between his right lung and diaphragm which causes constant pain with pleural effusion. He has short term memory loss, left sided deficit, problems with incontinence and PTSD (from being in Iraq). We both have a lot of anger, confusion and depression about what has happened over the last year. Ironically enough, the anniversary of Ryan's first surgery was spent in the hospital because Ryan fell and broke his left small toe. When arriving at the hospital we discovered Ryan had a temp and blood pressure of 60/40. We are home now and he is healing, but tears are a part of our daily routine. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read our story.

i am looking into the things you posted. right now, we think the blood pressure issue was a sign he was becoming septic and developing pneumonia. he is very susceptible to lung disorders/illness due to the plueral effusion. or it could be related to the pain medication he was started on that causes abnormally low BP. I will absolutely talk to his neurosurgeon about other possibilities. does anyone live close to the southern Alabama area?


I am so sorry you have both been through so much. I would ask Dr. Martino about the possibility of Dysautonomia making things worse post surgical. Do you have any other Dr's doing post surgical follow up with your husband? I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia a type of Dysautonomia & until last December never knew why I had had so many extreme symptoms and situations. You will both be in my prayers.

Let us know how he is doing,


You guys have been through so much. I agree with the previous posts about checking into Dysautonomia.

In other news, I am sending you guys hugs! Giant, gentle hugs!

Donna : )

I am so sorry for your husband/ I too had numerous complications from my decompression surgery. I had the VP shunt placed only to find an infection, had to have another surgery to remove and an external one placed while the infection cleared up. I finally had the last shunt placed on 2/14/13. I also have short term memory loss. I am constantly asking when will this be over.


wow, thank you everyone for the encouraging words and ton of helpful information. I can't describe how helpful and reassuring it is to know we are not alone.

God bless you Kendra & Ryan! Youre not alone!

Kendra, I am so very sorry that Ryan and you went through all of this. I am sorry for your loss of him now. Praying for you.