Any tips as surgery looms?

Hello All,

This discussion has been informative and makes me feel a bit better about doing the surgery. I have had the wait and see attitude, but am having more pain and issues. Am going back to my doctor in July and hope to get things taken care of in Aug or Sept., I feel like I am in good hands as I live Houston with a great med center, and I feel confident in my doctor, but still like everyone, have been scared to move forward. If I knew I would not have lingering symptoms I would not have the fear. I would do it in a heartbeat if I felt confidant it would take away the pain. That is what everyone hopes for! Thanks for the candid feedback. It helps many of us contemplating what to do.


I was told to purchase a "wedge" pillow-for use at home post op. It was very uncomfortable for me. I had alot of pain from the fixator sites. I took fresh new, open front pjs to the hospital, I only wore one pair. I took a book, didn't read. I took my cell phone, didn't use it. (I had a lot of trouble with light initially post op, so TV, laptop and iPhone were out for a few weeks. I researched the hospital and new what restaurants were in the medical was nice to get potato soup from Au Bon Pain on day two. I didn't wash my hair until coming home. I took ponytail holders and put my hair in pigtails to keep it away from the incision. OH..I took my own warm socks and my neck rest travel pillow, I had surgery 3 1/2 hrs from home, so this was great for the trip.

I made out a will and got my affairs in order. I was afraid, however, upon gaining consciousness in ICU, my first thought was.."Well that was easy". I have a blog if you'd like to read it. I'm 5 mths post op, a patient of Dr. Dong Kim in Houston, TX. or on FB, Constricted Cranium and Conquering Our Constricted Craniums.. A favorite blog of mine is Dave's Big Brain (gives a guy's point of view).

Best wishes.

Al- I'm 45 and a surgical RN..we perform this surgery on children at the hospital where I work..and I was still scared and freaked out. You are among friends. I will be praying for you.